2011Haaaaaaiir’s Janie!
On the occasion of the new year, I have been going through past photos and seeing how I have changed over time.
Here’s one from a few years back, when my hair was much shorter than it is now.
So tell me, do you prefer me with long hair, short hair or somewhere in between?
trish dubois
The longer the better honey. I am amazed that is your real hair, looks fabulous. You are a very lucky gal.
Thanks, hon. I too have always been a big fan of long hair for women. Starting to like it on some guys too, BTW!
Petra Bellejambes
I quite like the short hair Janie. This is not to say that it is a better look or certifiably more beautiful, but variety is nice.
I get the sense that your long heir is a real achievement to you. Don’t give it up. Do add a funky short wig or two to your wardrobe though.
Thanks for the Carson reference.
xxoo – P
Thanks Petra. Not so much an achievement as camouflage for the masculine aspects of my face, which, I think especially in profile, are more apparent. But your point about the wig – and variety – is well taken.
Shirley Corning
Hi Janie, The hair is a good color for you and being styled to stand out is good too but I think it’s been arranged in a hoge poge fashion standing out in licks and clumps. I think it be styled but into a more even arrangement that sweeps around you. I would be better yet for it to be long enough to reach your shoulders.
Fun hairstyles, Shirley.
Good advice, Shirley. Just so you know, the main consideration in that style was volume, because there simply wasn’t enough hair (or skill on my part) to do anything fancy in the way of styling.
Long hair GF! Long hair!!!!!!!
I think that the way you had your hair (shorter but wider at the top) suits your face shape better than the current long look. You looked superbly feminine in these shots – I love them.
Sarah xxx
Thanks Sarah. I do so love long hair, and it takes so much time to grow – and only an instant to cut – that I hesitate to go shorter. But I have been wondering lately whether a shorter style may suit me better. I think I may very well cut it short in the future, but not quite yet. Gotta be sure!
I like your current look. But these pics are great you look so natural and happy what’s not to like.
I like the longer hair, as it just flows so softly and frames your face in such a natural way…also it is the Janie I have known for a year now, fortunate that I am to know her! That being said, the short hair is smart and absolutely adorable…also quite elegant…but your crowning glory are your delicious curls that cascade so beautifully, made for combing one’s fingers through and twirling…Love you either way, Janie! But cheers to the long hair you’ve taken the time to grow!
Thanks Andrea, especially coming from one with a gorgeous mane of blondeness that is to die for!