Spousal Guilt

From time to time, I am saddened by feelings of guilt over what I am putting my GF through.  I have been meaning to say a word or two about it in these pages for some time, and am finally impelled to do so after having read similar sentiments on the blog of my dear friend Petra.

So guilt-ridden am I, that it seems whenever GF gets upset with me, I take it to be a sign of her patience running thin with my whole charade.

As most of you know, GF has been about as supportive a gal as any t-girl could hope for.  I spend the majority of my time in girl mode, and she not only puts up with it, but swears she is richer for the friendship of her new girlfriend.

But, GF is one of those terribly giving partners, whose incredible willingness to accommodate my wishes leaves me worried that one day she will reach the end of her line of patience and simply explode!  She insists to this day that she is happy and that our differing personalities in this regard are what allow us to get along so well.

I realize I am blessed with her and her understanding and adaptability, and I am resolved not to take advantage of her good nature.

So, when I am second-guessing myself… when I struggle with inner thoughts of whether my whole crossdressing thing is a form of self-destructive psychological pathology, I also start wondering how and why she puts up with me, and consider that I am prevailing far too much upon the tender mercies of the universe to convince her that the dysfunctional, bi-gendered, peculiar creature that I am is worth all the trouble.