pierced ears - beyond limits

Strange Limits

Funny what limits we set for ourselves…

I live my life as Janie well over half the time; I go out for walks in the neighborhood; I drive, shop, go out to eat.

On a different tack, I have done laser to make my body and face hairless, and I have grown my hair out.

But, strange as it may seem, one thing I can’t bring myself to do is pierce my ears.

Allow me to explain.

I have spoken before of keeping separate my male and female lives. It seems to be not only an externally generated thing, i.e., for the benefit of my friends and family, but an internally important one too.

Anyway, insofar as I live as a guy, having my ears pierced would be a significant issue in the circles in which I travel. No less so has been my long hair. The way I see it, I can get away with one or the other, but going for both is pushing things one step too far. Friends indulge each others’ foibles, but at some point you can put yourself outside their comfort zone and the friendship is compromised. Pierced ears is no biggie on its own, but in the context of my having changed so much, it may be that one step too far.

Beyond that, there is the issue of presentability. Generally, I tie my hair back and even fold my pony tail under to create a more conservative masculine appearance for business and for family. Trouble is, this exposes my ears, so that just when I am trying to put forth my best and most serious masculine front, those tiny holes are most evident and will surely undermine my efforts.

My dad for sure would freak. And, I know that he will say things to me that others may think but never voice, so that in a sense he is speaking for them too.

Maybe I am making too much of all this. Perhaps no one would notice, or if they did, would not care.

You’d think that all the steps I have taken so far would have convinced me that this is my life, and I should live it as I wish, damn the torpedoes.

What do you think? Have you had similar hurdles to breach? How did you handle those?