2013Why Do I Do This Gender Thing?
Why do I do this gender thing? This is a big question for me.
Many people have a ready answer, “I was born this way.” I am not sure I believe that about myself, and even if it is so, there is not enough there to stop and put the pen down.
I have noted the number of issues in my life that being Janie has addressed. She has added excitement and motivation to my life, she has increased my self-esteem, she has helped me break some debilitating patterns – and there is lots more I expect to come.
But, I have struggled with the idea that instead of this craziness, of dressing like a woman and having to deal with the doubts I have, the social risks, and other attendant lifestyle risks, that I should just “man up” and get help if necessary, but solve my problems in the “normal” way, through personal growth, and addressing the real concerns instead of doing an end-around.
Still I keep wondering why, of all things, I would choose gender change as a solution to these disparate problems, if indeed I chose it at all, or if I chose it as a solution to anything as opposed to for its own sake.
Or, maybe I have it backwards; perhaps its absence from my life was the root cause of all those problems in the first place? Perhaps I built my life in the flawed way that I did because I didn’t realize my true nature?
Thing is that whatever the case, I have to move forward. It is a bit late in life to rebuild everything from scratch.
And, it is impossible to know in advance the answers to the questions I have posed here. I have thought and thought about these and other issues, and the only way to find answers is to try something and see.
I am in that very same dilemna Janie. At 50 years of age its a bit late to go back and not sure a gender change is the medicine that will cure me. We are in some ways trapped and in others gifted. I am attracted to women only to boot so that really puts a damper on things. But we need t live and thrive somehow and make the best of things!
Therapy. Gender counseling. Don’t try to answer the questions by yourself.
Suzi Jet
Shannon is correct. A little time with a good therapist and you might get a better picture. I still think that Janie is real and you will enjoy life more as a woman. Not an easy path to travel but one you could do with grace and charm.
There’s an old saying in law, “an attorney representing himself has a fool for a client”. So too with a person exploring their own feelings and emotions. A stone unturned, a path not followed, the dangeres that lie beneath. These tend to not happen when you have an experienced therapist helping you to search.
So count me as “plus 1”.
What Shannon, Suzie and Ashley said.
Good morning Janie,
I was watching the Morning Show out of Toronto today and they were discussing a new book out this week that was about Gender Identification. I thought you might be interested in it. The book is called “Golden Boy” and the author is Abigail Tartellin
Enjoy the day!
Thanks for the heads up, Nicole