2012An Utterly Sublime Threesome
Their hands caressed every inch of my body, every nook and cranny – well almost. When they were done with me, I was little more than a hunk of quivering Jell-O; it was as if my bones had turned soft.
This was the best threesome I’ve ever had – and I hope to do it again sometime.
For those of you who have never had a “four-handed massage,” I assure you that the experience is exponentially greater than the sum of two plus two.
We are, indeed, talking here of massage, and not euphemistically about anything else. Tsk! Get your minds out of the gutter…
The thing about having two therapists working on you simultaneously is that your whole body is receiving attention at the same time, and you drift into an incredible state of relaxation.
Expensive? Yes. But memorable.
Put it on your bucket list; you won’t regret it.
Sweeeeeeet! Massages can be heavenly; especially when you have a nice tag-team…mmmm..mm.mmmm
Relaxed as in going to sleep?
I’d have missed the whole thing if I had gone to sleep… but close… almost sleeping while still aware, but of nothing more than your body and the sensations.
Girly Shirley
Damn it Janie!
You baited that hook and you know it you bitch! (meant as a compliment) lol I bit like a fish and you reeled me in. My mind merrily frolicked in the gutter splashing as I went anticipating the possibility of a story that would rival the National Enquirer only to find out you got great massage! lmao I haven’t had much time lately but you got me good on this one. Do carry on precious and I’ll see if I can come up with something to get even. lol
Dear Shirley, the wicked bitch of the West.
Well, I cast out my net and see what pretty things I can catch. 😉