Batting My Eyelashes – A Moving Violation

Got busted today for a moving violation while driving…

I was surprisingly calm about the prospect of introducing myself to the officer as a guy while dressed as Janie.

After a brief discussion, he took my documentation and went back to his cruiser.  He returned a few minutes later, letting me off with a lesser charge.

Now, I don’t doubt that this happens to women all the time – and it has also happened to me as a guy.  I’m sure the Christmas season may even have played a part in his generosity.

But, there has always been an assumption that most people find us a bit bizarre and we make a good number quite uncomfortable simply by our existence.

We expect equal treatment under the law, and a fair shake.  But, there was not a thing anyone could have said to fault my policeman for sticking to the letter of the law.  He could have made things pretty uncomfortable for me, and he’d have been well within his rights.

But he didn’t.

It’s not to my credit, that’s for sure.

Let’s give a big hug to our wonderful law enforcement people, who not only put their lives on the line for us every day, but have embraced gender diversity in the discharge of their duties – not always, I’m sure, but generally…

…and, fortunately for me, tonight.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

