2011Car Trouble
Among the many things I worry about when going out as a girl, car trouble rarely makes the list.
And, there I was, driving along when my car just up and died on me. I tried to rouse the patient, but it wasn’t responding.
And, to make matters worse, I had forgotten my cellphone.
I sat there, a little annoyed that my day was about to be ruined when I realized how thankful I should be that I was, at that moment, my guy self.
I mean, I had to walk some distance to get a phone, then I had to deal with the tow truck driver, and then the garage where the car was taken. I doubt it would have been a comfortable experience in heels and a skirt; then again, it would have been an interesting adventure.
Still, I think I can live without that sort of thing. Perhaps a change of clothes and some makeup remover should be standard emergency equipment in my trunk from now on.
Stacey Collins
Just a thought! For all the things you weren’t prepared for, how did you manage to take a picture? And I almost asked you today what kind of car you drive. I ask this questiom when I am trying to get to know someone because it gives me insight into their personality. Finally, I’m sorry to hear about your bad day. I like to see my friends happy!
You had to walk to a phone? Poor boy. All I had to do when that happened was stand in front of the car looking at the hood and a nice man pulled up, called the tow company and arranged everything. You should put an emergency kit with skirt, blouse, heels and makeup clutch in the trunk.
Touche. You are right, of course. I should have more faith in myself as a woman to handle things in a feminine way rather than think of how hard it would be for me to handle things in a masculine way as a woman.
Fiona Alexis
Worrying about my car is always in the back of my mind as I drive a 20 year old car. Fortunately it has never broken down when I’ve been dressed.
However a few years back I arrived home and after parking in my driveway I was approached by a young guy. At first I thought I must look better than I thought – but it turned out he had a flat battery and wanted use of my car battery to jump start his. A momentarily unnerving moment.
Well, Fiona, don’t leave us hanging… were you able to give him a jump? Was it completely uneventful? Do tell…
20 years ago, a post-op I knew was driving along the interstate and noticed a car had pulled over. It was raining. My friend saw the hood up and the man was looking at the engine. She stopped and took a look. Asked what happened, and took another look. She went back to her car and came back with a small pair of clamping pliers. Clamped something (she said it was the throttle linkage) and sent the young couple on their way.. My friend was dressed for an evening out (skirt, blouse, heels, etc.) she’s also a mechanic by trade. I wonder what that couple said about the help they received?
No way to know for sure – could run the gamut depending on your friend and on the couple. But, I hope “Thank you” was in there somewhere.
Petra Bellejambes
Perhaps keeping 2 sets of back-up wardrobe in the trunk at all times is the way to go 🙂
Never know when you might want to beguile a chivalrous chap.
I do throw a back up set of drab things (most of the time) in the boot when I go out. Belt and suspender caution is encouraged for the garter belt set my dear.
Safe travels in any event …
xo – P