Health and Beauty

Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

Travelling sometimes means that it is harder to be in the right clothes at the right time, and the other day was one such time.women's shoes in male clothing

Being at the door of a store full of yummy girly clothes, I just had to go in, even though I was totally in guy mode.

No matter… it seems my shame – at least in this respect – has vanished.  I was picking up items here and there and posing with them in front of public mirrors, and then went so far as to get myself a dressing room and try some stuff on.

Tried on shoes too.

The sales staff never batted an eye…

Capri pants / cropped pants fashion trend –

Wow! Came across these fabulous capri pant looks while responding to a comment on a previous post.  Had to share ’em! (More at



Flats Saved My Life

Ok, maybe a bit melodramatic… maybe saved my feet is more like it.

But, I have never had a love-type relationship with flats.  I think that women – and especially tgirls – look much better in heels.

The tgirl aspect is important.  Men tend to have larger feet and proportionately shorter legs than women, and heels address both concerns.  A bent foot is a smaller foot, and obviously a heel extends the length of the leg.wearing flats

But, (I can’t believe I am saying this!!) there is a practical aspect to life as a woman.  GF will be relentless after hearing me say such a thing, but alas, it is true.

Until now, I have adopted the approach of taking along a pair of running shoes and wearing them on the treks from place to place, then changing into heels where people might see me.

But, aside from being inconvenient and forcing me to have a larger purse at certain times when when I might much prefer having that really cute small one, stuff happens while you’re on the way from A to B. 

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Non-Verbal Communication

Coming across as a woman involves communicating as one – and that’s a much broader concept than one’s actual voice.

Far from the direct and monotone, goal-oriented communication that men use, female speech is differently motivated and but one part of a much more complex form of communication.

To effect a feminine voice, you want to have an acceptable pitch – which is what most of us focus upon.  But, there are plenty of women with low voices who are never mistaken for men.  So dwell on that for a moment.

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Inner Voice

During this week, I have made a point of concentrating on the way I speak.  I mentioned last time that I took a voice lesson and attended seminars at Fantasia.  But, what I want to talk about now is what I am learning from myself, having spent the week focusing on my speech.

This is the first time I have not let myself off the hook in terms of communicating as a woman.  In public, in private, alone or on stage, talking to others or to myself (yes, I am nuts!), I insisted from myself that I speak as a woman.

I usually let my guard down when walking on the street or sitting at home talking about stuff with GF.  Not this week.  If I got upset, I’d often tend to fall back into guy voice to cope; not this week.  In fact, any time I found myself faltering in any way, I’d excuse myself and go to the bathroom and regroup (something that became less necessary as the week wore on).

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Girl Talk

img_4590aThis Fantasia Fair had a surprisingly intense focus on voice.  Three speech pathologists were in attendance, and 4 seminars on offer, as well as private sessions available.

I took full advantage.

My personal assessment of my female voice is that it is not bad, but could stand improvement.  I wanted a professional assessment, as well as some tools to use in order to better myself.

So, I met privately with one of the professionals.

The session began with her engaging me in conversation about myself and my interests, while, unbeknownst to me, a spectrometer was measuring my voice.

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sexy lbd and neutral shoes

My Idea of Sexy

The way I see it, sometimes the simplest things are the sexiest.

You can put on a corset and collar, low-cut bustier, micro-mini skirt and fishnet stockings, spiked thigh-high boots and dramatic makeup and you’ll have something screaming sexy, no doubt.

But, in my view, that’s trying too hard.  And the results are more shrill than “sexy” should be.

Sexy is a mood, a feeling… it is something sensual and deep rather than painted on superficially.  Its subtlety is what makes it so powerful… it is almost an ambush the way it overwhelms its prey…

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Pretty Man

img_4455aFollowing on from the last post, I figure that as an exercise in personal evolution and introspection, I could try to give being a “pretty man” a try and see how it feels.

In some sense, it occupies a middle ground between regular guy and trans woman, so maybe I can find a way to get my mind around the concept.

As a start, I went out this past weekend to a party with friends, and then out for a late bite dressed as you see in the photo.  (I did not dare put on makeup.)

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Shoes - Flowery Sandals

Shoes First–Bass Ackward

Getting dressed has always been a pretty consistent process in my life.

Depending on the affair, choose the outfit, pick out a pair of shoes that match in both style and color, and off you go.

Well, not today.

I decided, based on a whim, that I wanted to wear a certain pair of shoes: my wedgie beige sandals with flowers on top.

It was my mood.

I wanted shoes with whimsy, and I wanted to show off my new pedicure.

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Salon Experience

I had my hair done the other day and I have to say that I am coming to love the salon experience, even if it always ends with an obscenely large bill.results of the salon experience

A couple of years ago, I came to the conclusion that a wig was too artificial-feeling, too hot, and too fake-looking to allow me to be comfortable and feel natural being Janie.  I don’t judge others, and I realize many tgirls feel differently about this – or have no choice – but the way I come at this thing personally, internally, it really became a matter of self-respect for me.

So, I started by trying to find a sympathetic place where they would cut my hair in such a way that it could pass for a girl’s do, but still was a serviceable male cut.

A few sessions of that led me to the conclusion that if I was ever going to be happy with my girl look, my hair was going to have to be distinctly feminine.  I wasn’t going to reshape my face surgically, so my hair had to do it for me.

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