One way to feminize your face is to give the illusion of high cheekbones – a surprisingly easy thing to do.
The trick here, like with many other techniques, is about creating the illusion of shadows where you want valleys and highlights where you want peaks.
It is no secret how much I love being Janie.
But, there are two sides to me, and sometimes I’m just not feeling girly, either because I have my man on, or just because I am in “default mode.” Janie requires energy – and gives me energy in return – but sometimes, I’m just spent.
Trudging through the snow and sloppy city slush soup of snow, salt and city-grime, to a meeting where I had to be Janie, I just could not channel my inner girl.
On the occasion of the new year, I have been going through past photos and seeing how I have changed over time.
Here’s one from a few years back, when my hair was much shorter than it is now.
So tell me, do you prefer me with long hair, short hair or somewhere in between?
There was a time, back when I started doing this girl thing, when I would forget my purse everywhere.
I simply never had to keep track of a bag before; everything I needed was always in my pockets.
It would also be the thing I’d forget all about when I was getting ready to go out… and only when I’d realize there was no place to put my wallet, would I remember that I had to take a purse along.
Getting out of the house without being seen, or at least without outing myself is becoming a major problem in my life these days, as I start to go out regularly during the day.
Today, I was wearing a high-waisted short teal blue denim skirt with sexy white stockings, a blousy white top and black riveted belt. The look was completed with my lovely Calvin Klein high-heeled boots.
The short, but exposed walk to my car in that outfit was bound to catch someone’s eye – after all, that’s part of the outfit’s appeal, isn’t it?
It’s raining today, and I often like to curl up and enjoy the mood that comes with the rain, or at least go out on the covered porch and listen to the soothing sounds of the falling water.
Nevertheless, I’m on my way out again today. But, things aren’t working for me… maybe it’s the discord with the mood of the day, I don’t know.
Under the general heading of “Pot Calling Kettle” or “Let She Who is Without Sin…” I am putting my high-heeled foot down after seeing the abomination that is called “The Girlfriend Look.”
H&M, of which I am a loyal and enthusiastic customer, issued one of their fashion magazines a month or so ago containing the page pictured at right.
I would have thought that just seeing the photos would have been enough for most everyone to agree that this was an idea whose time will never come…
But, I was wrong, sadly.
After all, the folks at H&M did actually issue it, and I guess fashion designers will have their little laugh and women will have their revenge…
Just don’t come crying to me when you can’t find a masculine man when you want one.
I spent the most wonderful weekend in Las Vegas at a rockabilly festival, dancing, listening to rock’n’roll legends, watching jive dance contests, admiring all the hipsters in their fabulous outfits and retro hairdos, going to a tiki pool party, seeing those incredible old cars, and buying swanky clothes…
…just having a blast with great, fun people and phenomenal music!
My girlfriend really wanted to share this experience with me as a boy – and it made a lot of sense to me too – we could dance together and get into the vibe of a bygone time, and meet all these people without having the TG thing in the way.
I recently commented on another site regarding some of the issues involved in posting photos online, in my case first disguised by a wig and makeup, and then later without.
To re-quote the relevant parts of my comments:
Read More»Posting my first photos was as much liberating as it was scary, but I was wearing a wig and a lot of makeup, and I carefully disguised any background that might be familiar. Trouble was, there was also a part of me that looked at those photos and didn’t see myself either. In fact, I would scour the photos and eliminate those where I looked too much like myself.
This didn’t really sit well with the gurl inside, though.
Over time – not that long, actually – I have improved my physical appearance so that I look more feminine and don’t need a disguise. So, I dropped the wig, cut back on the makeup and can now feel that the photos have more truth in them, if you know what I mean.
I think it’s a fairly common thing among us t-girls to be “enthusiastic” shoppers. We do love our clothes, and shoes, don’t we?
There are times when I find it hard to walk past a clothing store without wanting to go in and try something on. I started to think that it was almost pathological.
One explanation that occurred to me is that I still don’t know who I am.
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