Got busted today for a moving violation while driving…
I was surprisingly calm about the prospect of introducing myself to the officer as a guy while dressed as Janie.
After a brief discussion, he took my documentation and went back to his cruiser. He returned a few minutes later, letting me off with a lesser charge.
(This is the first of what I hope will be more than a few guest posts written by my GF, Emily.)
I have come a long way since I first encountered Janie some four years ago. Of course, Janie has come a long way too.
Although Janie was never hidden from me, and I learned about her at the same time as Janie did herself, I still went through many of the usual trials and tribulations most women go through on learning that her spouse is a crossdresser. Flash forward to the present and I don’t really even think of Janie as a crossdresser now, but rather I think of her as a unique person with many interesting sides, and someone I‘m lucky to share my life with. The best of all worlds in many respects. We have always been the best of friends in addition to lovers, but now I have not only a spouse, a lover, and a boyfriend, but a girlfriend too!
It’s funny how things work in reverse.
Just the other day, I was remarking about being almost universally perceived as female, even in guy mode.
Well, yesterday, I went shopping as Janie – maybe not full makeup, but lipstick and jewellery and girl clothes – and wouldn’t you know it, I am suddenly an interesting curiosity…
Chicagoans see me as a girl, it seems.
I have yet to break out my girl clothes or makeup, I haven’t taken a razor to my face in almost a week, and yet I have been treated almost exclusively as female, whether in a restaurant, or trying on clothes in a department store, or on the street.
…and that suits me just fine!
Though I had no problem looking through the clothes in the women’s section of a certain department store, I really didn’t have the nerve to ask to be let into the women’s change rooms in my then state of appearance. But the sales clerk who came by offering assistance referred to me as ma’am, so I thought I’d give it a shot.
Getting out of the house without being seen, or at least without outing myself is becoming a major problem in my life these days, as I start to go out regularly during the day.
Today, I was wearing a high-waisted short teal blue denim skirt with sexy white stockings, a blousy white top and black riveted belt. The look was completed with my lovely Calvin Klein high-heeled boots.
The short, but exposed walk to my car in that outfit was bound to catch someone’s eye – after all, that’s part of the outfit’s appeal, isn’t it?
As much as I enjoyed my first Viva Wildside Sin City Soiree, this one blows that experience a mile out of the water!
I am a bit shy, and it takes a bit for me to open up to people. Last year, I met a bunch of strangers who turned into sweet friends. This year, I walked into a room of friends and left with real and much deeper connections.
I imagine this experience just gets better – richer – every year…
What a difference a year makes!
On last year’s trip to Las Vegas and Wildside, I was just getting to know everyone, and the idea of prancing around in lingerie was quite intimidating for me. Nonetheless, I sucked it up and my concerns turned out to be much ado about nothing.
I had a very nice time, though I must admit I was fortified then by several pretty strong margaritas.
This year, I was among friends.
I have returned to San Diego, to spend a couple of weeks before the wild party that is Viva Wildside in Las Vegas.
More than any place I have been, San Diego is a place in which I feel comfortable being Janie all the time and whenever and wherever I please. So, I am loving just being me. A simple pleasure, but a special one for a tgirl out and about, I think.
Here I am sitting at a Starbucks, waiting for a brand new friend to arrive from out of town.
When I say “brand new,” I mean that I’ve never met her, but I have corresponded with her at great length online, and our rapport has been a kind of sexy and smart, whirling and twirling dance of magical comet dust in the sky among the stars. Over time, our words have intermingled and procreated, producing fairy tales and flouncy flirting that have delighted and intoxicated us both.
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