Item in the local paper today about beating the winter blahs:
Get naked at… a women-only spa… Indulge yourself with a 90-minute body wash: they exfoliate your skin with freshly-grated ginger,sugar and cardamom, then pour hot milk over your body… Close your eyes and suddenly you’re in Scandinavia.
Gosh, that would be nice!
But, alas, they’d never let me in there… it’s women-only.
Yesterday was a milestone of sorts for me in that my first ever guest post appeared, on T-Central (www.t-central.blogspot.com).
For obvious reasons, I encourage you to read it. 😉 Here’s the link to my post: http://t-central.blogspot.com/2011/01/crossdressing-thoughts-reflections.html
As I mentioned there, T-Central is a wonderful effort put forth by Calie and her team, bringing together so many wonderful blogs and bloggers in one place. It’s a great place to find many different points of view and experiences.
That said, I was surprised to see that the comments on this special “Crossdresser Experience” series of guest posts evidenced resistance by some transsexual posters to any assertions of genuine femininity by crossdressers – something I found disappointing, and frankly beyond comprehension (not so much the logic but the motivation).
A recent post at T-Central by Alice, of Alice in Genderland fame and an exchange of comments with other bloggers there led me to start thinking again about the makeup of the trans community and my place in it.
My first step was to drop in on Alice’s website and gather more info. There she answers the question posed in the title to this post, basically, “What’s the difference between a transsexual and a crossdresser?”
If I may bottom-line her multi-paragraph answer, it is: “Not much.”
Her point of view tends to infuriate some (many? most? all?) transsexuals, who see nothing at all in common between themselves and crossdressers. As one blogger put it:
Read More»I don’t see a link between the two. The former loves clothing and other accoutrements that are generally considered to be for women. The latter has a profound brain-body disconnect that requires treatment by hormone therapy and surgery. Crossdressers emulate women. Transsexuals change anatomical sex. How are those related?
Following on about blogging awards (Glamorous Blog Chain Mail Award), I have just now created an all-new award of dubious importance, which I christen the “In the Pink Award.”
A bit about the award and its name.
The phrase “In the Pink” has been known to cause giggles among the immature, no doubt due to the possible sexual connotation, as in reference to the pink areas of one’s body – and I see no reason not to think of it that way too. But, in truth, it refers to excellence of condition.
“Pink” has been used to refer to the essence of something (as in “This is the very pink of perfection!”), and is, of course, the iconic girlie color – and my personal favorite.
For all these reasons, a blog that I determine to be “In the Pink” is one that, in my opinion, is on the mark, excellent, and a personal favorite.
I am flattered, and moved by my recent receipt of this award from a cherished friend and blogger, whose witty and well-written words can be found at http://voyagesenrose.blogspot.com/ .
“I… I don’t know who to thank… there are so many people… well, I’d certainly like to thank the Academy, and everyone who voted for me… and my parents for having me… and, oh my dear, yes! there’s Al Gore, for inventing the internet, and Schoolhouse Rock for all those conjunctions and other words I use…”
I turned on the television this morning to a program called “TV Made Me Do It” and they were telling the story of a guy who dresses like a woman in order to add flamboyance to his life, and who wanted to try to sell a house dressed in a wild dress and 6-inch platform heels.
Flipping the channel, I came to a commercial for Family Guy, where he is dressed like a female prostitute…
Then, a commercial for popcorn, with a little girl sitting in her bedroom pretending to have a tea-party when her father and brother come in wanting to have some popcorn, and agree to put on a tutu and silly hat…
A fellow blogger recently asked her audience for ideas on how to tell her fiancée about her crossdressing. The sense I got from the post was that she was looking forward to her fiancée’s absence – going away to school – because it would allow more dressing opportunities. They have been together for years and this “hobby” as she calls it was still a secret between them.
As I mentioned in my comment on her blog, my answer was longer than her post and would be better suited to being a blog post of my own. So here I am. And this is the advice I would give her:
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