2012Close to Perfection
No doubt you have taken note of the movie, Albert Nobbs, starring Glenn Close, currently in theaters.
It is to state the obvious that once again, we transfolk and gender-benders should be delighted with our now regular inclusion in mainstream media.
Let’s take a moment to think about how much acceptance it takes to have a movie like this made, or have a transgender model on America’s Next Top Model, or walking down the high-fashion runways all over the world.
There is the creative talent that must not only be open to it, but be so interested as to make it the focus of their work. There are the actors that must portray someone and cast a certain light on themselves. There are the producers who must have enough confidence that this will fly as to put their money into it. And, advertisers, whose main focus is to cast their product in the best possible light and have the best possible associations for it – they must be willing to align themselves with such a project. The critics, whose tastes will influence so many others, must put their reputations on the line with their commentary. And finally, the viewers, who come and see and enjoy, and come back again.
It is easy to complain; let’s take joy where we can find it.
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