2012Competing Rights – Our Rights Are Not the Only Ones That Matter
Selfish f&%king people!
I may be a bit late to this story (as it was dated November 3) but that’s the only way I know how to react to an ABC News report about Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington, allowing a 46-year old pre- or non-op MTF transgender student to use the women’s locker room that is shared with Capital High School Swim Club and a children’s swim academy.
I am steaming!!
The Incident
“‘[A mother] reported her daughter was upset because she observed a person at the women’s locker room naked and displaying male genitalia,’ said a police report filed in September by a mother on behalf of her 17-year-old daughter… According to parents… the student has exposed her male genitalia, in one instance in the sauna…”
The school says it is following the law regarding non-discrimination based on gender-identity, which requires them to accommodate this student.
My problem is with the student. WTF MTF?! What is the matter with you?
We Need to Encourage Kindness Towards Us, Not Punish People for It
States like Washington have passed strong laws to protect us, and all it takes is one selfish idiot to prove that it was a mistake, to metaphorically walk up to those lawmakers and spit in their eyes. “Thanks so much; now I am going to make you sorry for your kindness,” is the clear message. Other, less sympathetic jurisdictions are taking note no doubt, and the parents’ concerns will surely be quoted in any political debate on trans rights.
We need to realize that it isn’t just our rights that matter in this world.
We Are All Responsible for One Another
Each of us also needs to realize that doing things like this will surely convince society to take a step back and realize the implications of giving people who care only about themselves these kinds of protections that can be abused to the detriment of the majority. We can’t be that kind of people.
Much the same as with the jackass who boarded a plane in his feminine underwear (see Mad, Mad World – No Consideration of Others), I keep hoping it comes out that this person was a troublemaker pretending to be trans rather than really one of us. But either way, I think it is important to make the point that we realize that there has to be a reasonable balancing of rights, and we accept that sometimes we must yield our right to sit naked in a children’s sauna, voluntarily, without a human-rights complaint, and before someone has to ask or get offended.
Let’s be as accommodating of others’ needs as we want others to be of ours.
Expect some blowback for your common sense ideas.
melissa collins
Well common sense is such a rare commodity and obviously this person has none. I couldn’t agree more, that everyone has rights, and they should be respected.
You are right. What the person in question was demanding was totally unreasonable and in the short and long term will hurt us all.
Shannon Townes
Trans or not, what in the world is this person doing exposing themselves in a public lockertoomand sauna facility? You’d think that people would protect what privacy they could.
Lucille Spencer
You are right on target.