2013Converging Gender Roles – Crossover Was Inevitable
I realize that almost everyone adopts a gender role that is consistent with their sex, but is there any good reason why I should overrule my desire to do otherwise?
There are men and there are women; it should come as no surprise that there are people in between – both man and woman/neither man nor woman/man acting feminine/woman acting masculine/man looking like woman, etc. To add meat to the bones, there are men who are masculine and men who are feminine and men who like women and men who like men and men who like both men and women and an equal number of permutations on the female side. Again, does it not stand to reason that there will also be men who are more feminine than women, men who want the role of women and vice versa?
Look, it had to happen. With gender roles converging, sooner or later there had to be a crossover. With men being permitted or encouraged to accept femininity into their lives, sooner or later some of us were going to take off and run with it. If I can be this feminine, why not this much more?
Also, since the sexes are considered to be equal in our society (aren’t they?), there should be no shame in wanting to be female, nor any advantage. No harm, no foul, no shame, no insanity.
Suzi Jet
Dear Janie,
“Also, since the sexes are considered to be equal in our society (aren’t they?), there should be no shame in wanting to be female, nor any advantage. No harm, no foul, no shame, no insanity..” – surly you jest :)??
Sanity is living in the real world. Insanity is not being happy in your world. Those of us off the ends of the gender spectrum are by definition insane. But living where you are comfortable is much better than where you are uncomfortable, even if the world think it a bit insane.