2011Exclusive Spa
Item in the local paper today about beating the winter blahs:
Get naked at… a women-only spa… Indulge yourself with a 90-minute body wash: they exfoliate your skin with freshly-grated ginger,sugar and cardamom, then pour hot milk over your body… Close your eyes and suddenly you’re in Scandinavia.
Gosh, that would be nice!
But, alas, they’d never let me in there… it’s women-only.
Suddenly, peaceful thoughts of Swedish bliss give way to the not-so-subtle anxiety of politics, and then to wishes that I could shut my mind up once in a while.
In the end, however, though others may feel differently, I accept my exclusion from this spa with equanimity.
I know that it would be impossible to accommodate me and the very few others like me without making uncomfortable a sizable number of the women who go there and thereby destroying their business. In today’s society and with today’s sensibilities, this type of facility could not exist on those terms.
I am exceedingly thankful for the freedoms I do have and feel no compelling need to have my way in every place at every time.
Maybe I am missing some of the wider implications, but I accept the practical limits on my rights and hope for the day when, through education and familiarity, gender fluidity becomes more accepted and more comfortable.
In the meantime, I doubt that this kind of thing is worth creating a fuss. I figure it is better to concentrate on mainstream acceptance in mainstream activities, even if the thought of a main-stream of hot white milk over my exotically spiced body sets my heart aflutter.
Ho hum…
Hi Janie
I do agree with you that its unattainable and therefore it shouldn’t bother us, but yes a lovely thought. Love the pic at the baths and beach though, are either of them real?
Hugs Tina x
Tina, both pics are exactly what they appear to be, unmodified except as to things like cropping and light and watermark. I wonder what led you to question that?
Hi Janie
Only that you were suggesting a spa was impossible (which I agree with) and yet in the swimming baths you appear to be equally close to women and their potential sensibilities. Not that either actually looked ‘photoshopped’, great pics both.
Hugs Tina x
Ah, yes… well, I think the big thing in the spas is the nudity…
You have a great way of seeing things. It’s too bad there aren’t places that cater to t-girls to provide them with such services. And your pics: the beach shot is very cute and the bikini shot is smokin’ hot.
All I can say is “Gosh you’re stunning” and girl, I wish society would just hurry up with completely embracing t-girls to include them nude at the spa with gg’s, in the pool, and being able to do everything as they please…All t-girls deserve to be able to play and have fun in a way that makes them be able to reveal in their feminitity…and especially, you, in my biased and enamored opinion, because you are the hottest and sweetest thing on the planet and deserve everything your sweet heart desires! xxoo
You’re so sweet to me, my dear Andy, but I think it’s revealing something other than our femininity that is the problem 😀