2011Flats Saved My Life
Ok, maybe a bit melodramatic… maybe saved my feet is more like it.
But, I have never had a love-type relationship with flats. I think that women – and especially tgirls – look much better in heels.
The tgirl aspect is important. Men tend to have larger feet and proportionately shorter legs than women, and heels address both concerns. A bent foot is a smaller foot, and obviously a heel extends the length of the leg.
But, (I can’t believe I am saying this!!) there is a practical aspect to life as a woman. GF will be relentless after hearing me say such a thing, but alas, it is true.
Until now, I have adopted the approach of taking along a pair of running shoes and wearing them on the treks from place to place, then changing into heels where people might see me.
But, aside from being inconvenient and forcing me to have a larger purse at certain times when when I might much prefer having that really cute small one, stuff happens while you’re on the way from A to B.
In Provincetown, for example, you really couldn’t walk two blocks without running into someone you knew.
I have decided that walking from place to place is part of life, and needs to be lived in nice shoes and a completely presentable outfit from head to toe.
Enter flats.
Admittedly they have to be carefully chosen – and worn only when necessary – but being able to walk a couple of miles without looking like an off-duty secretary or cheerleader, or having to carry along another pair of shoes is worth the effort.
And, it is also true that heels simply aren’t appropriate in certain circumstances. Where they are totally impractical, they often end up looking out of place – and will give you away.
So, do as those who live every day as women do, and you will have a much easier time passing.
…and walking.
Your feet will thank you.
Even still, you need to get shoes that fit. You CAN get sore feet from ill-fitting flats just as quick as heels.
I have a theory you have to work harder to walk as a woman in flats. In addition to being comfortable (most of the time) you can concentrate on your feminine “moves”!
I agree to Cyrsti, it’s easier and comes more natural to walk in shoes with heels than in flats. I can’t go out in high heels anyway because I’m 6 ft tall, but even 1 inch heels make me walk much more femme. But I already have long and feminine legs to start with, so for me it’s easy.
Well, I find it just as easy to walk femininely in flats as heels. It just takes practice. The issue for TG/CDs is they get so little time en femme that they never learn.. As for wearing flats because you’re tall, I NEVER let that stop me. I did have some cover as there were three in my office that were 5-11 or taller so at 6-0 I was not alone. Now I wear ballet flats or loafers most of the time because they’re just easier to deal with.
Yes, flats are that key ingredient, the “missing link” maybe, for blending in and being accepted as an every day girl. Indeed, heels are not always appropriate, and will certainly give a girl away. Flats can be very stylish….just look at your picture. That’s a great look….very natural. I love my heels, but flats are an essential part of any girl’s wardrobe.
Wow, and I thought it was me. I have a terrible time walking in flats, which I must do often because I am 6’2″. I think ballet flats are very cute, but the rounded toe hurts my toes, have to go with old fashion pointy toes or espadrills. Not to start a war, but to me, two of the most unfeminine things are capri/cropped pants and cheap flip flops.
Like Jane, most of the classy GGs I know like heels or high quality running shoes. Save the flip flops for the gym or the beach.
No war, honey, but I do have a bit of a different opinion. Capri pants, worn with high-heeled sandals are among my favorite looks – really sexy. I went looking for a photo and ended up just throwing the great looks I saw right onto my own blog – see the new post here. Flip-flops are another matter, but, to my mind, if you’re thin and pretty and young, cheap flip-flops with short shorts can be an understated and casual way to be really sexy.

Like the look, what’s your opinion of coloured tights etc. I think they liven every outfit, like above with a dark grey or chocolate brown.
I LOVE colored tights – in the right circumstances. It is so easy to make a mess of an outfit with them though. With the above outfit, I pretty much had to have black for this simple reason: the flats. Referring back to my post, the shortness of my legs, given my physical gender, is a problem in wearing flats to start with. If the legs and shoes are the same color, that lengthens a bit; different colors would shorten my leg further – something that is not flattering, believe me.
Ok Janie, I have the perfect solution for such a dilemma! Wedges!!! They are perfectly comfortable for long treks, such as sight seeing or shopping. In addition, they are veratile and can be used with totally casual or more dressy outfits. The perfect solution to not compromising the art of the long lean leg for comfort! i’m a wedge girl all the way!
Marla!! You’re here!! [big hug!]
I don’t know… I have had a bit of a problem with wedges in two opposite ways. Some make me feel like I am wearing heels, albeit with a bit more support, but walking a mile in them ends up being pretty painful by the end; others have been more comfortable, but so much so that I forget I have a heel, and then I have almost broken my ankle moving in (boisterous) ways that assume my entire foot is on the ground… and then the shoe gives way…
You look marvelous. May i suggest espadrilles as a compromise; feminine, versatile and comfortable (i’m told).