2011Gender in a Pill
I read, with great skepticism, a year-old article with an astounding premise: that gender can be changed by the manipulation of one gene!
The article is here.
The idea is that gender depends, at least in part, on the competing action of genes that are shared by both sexes. That means that we all maintain the ability to change from one to the other, potentially… The therapy actually changed the reproductive organs of the mice upon which it was conducted, and without adverse effect.
Is it possible? If so, it would turn the entire concept of transgenderism upside down!
The experiment was done with adult mice, such that presumably gender could then become a choice for fully formed people! (Not sure if you could go back and forth or not…)
Question is: which gender would you choose, if you could choose?
I would chose female of course…but again I’m biased!!!
What a concept and one that bodes well for future generations of trans people!
It sure would make life simpler for everyone, wouldn’t it?
Shirley Corning
Female! Without a doubt or a moment’s hesitation. Sign me up.
Perhaps surprisingly, I’m still on the fence about this one…
I’m not overly surprised. From what I read in Flickr profiles a lot of girls feel as you do. They love being part time girls but do not want to give up the relative advantages of being at least outwardly male. Well that’s what they say anyway.
It’s a funny thing, and hardly capable of explanation. For my part, I love being this unique creature of both genders. Adds a little color. I would hate to trade in this kaleidoscope for a monotone of either shade.
Shirley Corning
Advantages of being male? I have to laugh at myself because I really tried to come up with some and could only think of one that wasn’t based on discrimination. Maybe I have a mental block or I’m just plain biased but it brings up a question I have asked with tongue in cheek, “Who could possibly want to leave secure and serene masculine island?” If all you had to do for a change of gender was leave the island for a feminine shore I’m afraid my rapid departure would be considered very undignified rushing to the harbor like that and sailing my boat away as fast as possible. Bon voyage ladies. Have a nice trip. Silly really. I think I’ve been up too long and should just go to bed. Goodnight ladies. Sweet dreams. :)<<
thatw a tough one but i think i would choose to be me. I do not consider myself a woman in a mans body nor do i completely idea tidy with either male or female per.say. i enjoy many feminine things including clothes but also being mal. I guess what i don’t enjoy is having to.identify with one or the other or the fact that society cares. Years ago men had sleeping gowns tthemselves and wore skirts kilts wigs and perfume. Now adage we have stereotyped what should be male vs female.and how.we should act. So i would choose to.be me and hope that society would change to be more accepting.
A girl silly