2011Giving Thanks
I believe that Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, and, more to the point, a wonderful philosophy. It seems to me that the happiest people make thanks-giving a daily way of life.
We should never take for granted the things that we have, even if there is so much more that we may want. Nothing is ever achieved alone, so there is always someone to thank, or failing all else, just thank your lucky stars.
Food in our mouths, health in our bodies, peace in our part of the world, maybe a little love in our lives – just to name a few things – these are essential features of our lives that we just assume will be there for us.
That’s awfully presumptuous.
Let’s take time to appreciate how lucky we are, and to remember that there is no shortage of people on this planet that have none of those things.
I am thankful for all those things and more.
This year, I would like to single out the women of Fantasia Fair for special thanks; without them I don’t know if Janie would exist at all today.
When I was just starting out – so vulnerable and unsure of myself, so hesitant and scared – they were there. They provided me a safe place to find myself and understand this wonderful world of gender freedom. They work hard, they bend over backwards for everyone, and they do it as volunteers.
My subsequent experiences at Fantasia have simply grown richer and deeper. And I have yet to tap all the opportunities available there. In the end, the main thing is the true sense of sisterhood that develops among the fairgoers, a sense of love, of helpfulness and of fun. And, it all starts at the top.
Permit me to be a bit more long-winded today, and to salute the women of Wildside as well. A week-long party with girls that love to have fun, the vibe is very different from Fantasia.
Wildside is a more advanced course; beginners would be in over their heads, I think. As compared to Fantasia, there is less of the hand-holding and none of the seminars and instruction, and the party is in the midst of a big, bad city rather than a sedate, t-friendly town.
But what is the same is the love all around you, the caring, and a fabulous, non-cliquey group dynamic that is very rare.
Again, the love and acceptance starts at the top, with the selfless organizers of Wildside. Everyone who attends just seems to pick up and buy into what they have started.
And, to you
Finally, I want to thank my readers for coming by and giving a hoot about what I have to say. Your continued presence is very important to me and I hope I am meeting your needs. If there is anything you’d like to see, just let me know and I will do my best.
Those of you that comment, know that I appreciate the time and effort that goes into that. Thanks so much for participating and helping this blog thrive and survive. You are the reason I continue to do this thing.
Andrea Todiefor
I want to give thanks for you, my sweetest most wonderful T-girl and Fantasy Friend Janie!!! May your Thanksgiving be filled and stuffed with all those loved ones and the most delicious food all in one! xxoo xxoo Your AndyCandyland Lover
Andy, as usual, you brighten my day with your bright, positive energy – and I am very thankful for that. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with delight and, well, sugar highs – maybe a proverbial cream-filled twinkie or two? xoxo Janiehostesscupcake
Andrea Todiefor
Yay, of course! omg…a kinky twinky and a hoe-stess cupcake for sure!! Then, I’ll burrow through a whole bananacream pie and imagine that Janie and I are swimming in a pool of it together! Ah, I’m the Queen of thos sugar highs…whether it be literally or just “figure”atively sweet! Licks Janie to prove how much she loves sweetness, kisses her and then runs away to eat with family! xxoo xxoo xxoo
Thanks goes to you because of the so honest and profound thoughts and considerations in your blog, a big support!
Happy Thanksgiving Janie!
Happy Thanksgiving, Louise! You are very kind. 🙂 xo
Fiona Alexis O'Neill
I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. Janie, you are a breath of fresh air. I love your passion and zest for your t-life – and your need to share it with us in your flickR and blog. There are 5 t-girls that I’ve ‘discovered’ in the last year or so – who have made a difference to how I feel and think – and who have given me a new enthusiasm. They are Rachel Swann, Emma Ballantyne, Luisa Baris, Alessia Cross and Janie Black. Janie, there other t-girls who are brilliant at emulating sexy – but you just ARE sexy.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! – love Fiona xxxx
Thanks, Fiona. Such a sweetie! And thanks for that list too; I am going to make sure I keep up with what the others are up to. xoxo Janie
Well, I’ve been out of town and away from the computer, so I’ll have to say I hope your Thanksgiving WAS a great one. Like the others, I want to say “thank, you, Janie” for being a friend…however many miles separate us. I so love your thoughts, your views, your zest for life, and….wait..there’s something else……hold on….oh yeah…..your incredible beauty and femininity. You are such a girl…and an ispiration to us all. Luv ya!!
Very sweet, Shannon. It has been wonderful getting to know you – even at a distance. xo Janie