2010Glamorous Blog Chain Mail Award
I am flattered, and moved by my recent receipt of this award from a cherished friend and blogger, whose witty and well-written words can be found at http://voyagesenrose.blogspot.com/ .
“I… I don’t know who to thank… there are so many people… well, I’d certainly like to thank the Academy, and everyone who voted for me… and my parents for having me… and, oh my dear, yes! there’s Al Gore, for inventing the internet, and Schoolhouse Rock for all those conjunctions and other words I use…”
While I now know first-hand how pleasant it can be to wake up to such an honor, the responsibilities attached to it present me with a dilemma.
I have been asked to confer this honor on 10 deserving bloggers of my choosing. To me, this smacks of chain-mail – wrapped in the nicest, softest package, yes – but chain-mail nonetheless.
After heart-wrenching consideration, I respectfully decline to do so, knowing full-well that the Academy may revoke my award and the fantastical perks that go with it.
My readers know which blogs I respect and admire, because I list them in my Blogroll, and in exceptional circumstances, do a feature post on them. So, a list of Award Winners is not going to turn my readers on to new blogs or provide a helpful spike in traffic for my friends; rather, anyone left off the list may rightfully be offended.
In this respect, I am also unwilling to take the chance of being a source of annoyance to any of my valued friends who may take offence at the responsibilities I bestow upon them. (Know for certain, that I take no offence at you, my dear Petra.)
And finally, the insidiousness of chain-mail comes from its design to multiply exponentially, so that after the first person sends out her ten awards, the recipients’ cooperation will produce 100 to the next group, followed quickly by 1,000 and 10,000.
It strikes me that an award that ends up being given to everyone is not much in the way of real recognition.
However, in the spirit of the award, I’d like to take this opportunity to direct readers’ attention to the side panel, where you will find a list of blogs I recommend, written by people I like.
Having felt how nice getting “recognized” (even in quotes) is, I think it might be nice for me to create an award of my own, free of any strings attached, and confer it from time to time on those whom I deem deserving. Care to collaborate, Petra?
Petra Bellejambes
Janie m’dear, I agree with the chain mail sentiments entirely, and wrestled like you with the burden this sort of thing places on the recipient.
Things with strings are less pure than they ought to be.
I would be happy to trade notes with you time to time about rising stars and elder stateswomen of our shared realm, and collaborate on a post or 2 featuring worthy efforts.
Please drop me a note – email address is in my Blogger profile!
And sincerely – I do enjoy your stuff here you glamorous thing you.