2012Surgery Not Required for Sex Change
A court decision in Canada has struck down a law requiring Gender-reassignment Surgery (GRS) as a precondition to having one’s gender changed on their documentation.
There are undoubtedly people on both sides of this issue who will be unhappy about it – post-op transsexuals who may feel that anyone who can tolerate the “bits” of the opposite gender is not truly transsexual, and others who may feel that this just makes it too easy to play games with one’s gender and official documentation.
But, remember that most people who eventually undergo gender reassignment surgery spend years living as the gender opposite to what their identification indicates. They do this for financial reasons, or even for reasons of uncertainty and fear of going through with the surgery. They are not fooling around; this is serious business in their lives, and having a passport or ID that matches the gender they are living is important.
One need look no further than Canada’s law about refusing to board any passenger who appears not to be the gender on their ID. This kind of regulation is annoying for me, but I can easily cope. Someone who has been living exclusively as female, perhaps taking hormones, etc., but shows “male” on their passport will likely have both practical and emotional difficulties with this law.
In the end, simply stated, striking down this law gives effect to what many of us have been saying – that one’s gender is not in their pants.
herr brockman
Lots of simple solutions for those who choose not to actually change their sex yet desire to live the lifestyle of the opposite gender.
One would be what they do in India, New Zealand and other more progressive countries. What they have done their is to institue the option of selecting a 3rd choice such as “T”, (trans), or “I”, for Indeterminate, or even, “U”, undisclosed.
The problem I see for allowing a B/C change w/o SRS is a situation like we see at Pitt, where a female bodied person,presenting male, insists on showing with the boys? How dangerous/provacative/disruptive is that? Why not simply take advantage of the private shower facilities provided especially for T-people who find themselves in this very situation?
There are always going to be those who are concerned only with themselves and care not a whit about how anyone else feels. Such is the case regarding the showering example you gave. In a time when T people are all about wanting consideration for our feeling and freedoms and rights, we should have at least an equal regard for those of others who see the world differently than we do – hate and discrimination excepted.
That said, I have always found the logic of separate showers or bathrooms based on gender a bit problematic in the face of homosexuality; is an openly gay man that much less provocvative in a male locker room than a trans person? Can’t we just mind our own business and have our shower and get on with our lives without caring who is in the stall next to us?
Returning to the point of the article, however, people who are, say female in every respect except the surgery and who haven’t undergone the surgery for reasons like finances or health concerns… these people are as transsexual, as female as those who have, are they not? It is not merely a lifestyle choice for them, but an imperative, yet surgery has not been or is not an option for them. I think they rightly object to being segregated out as “T” when they are “F.” The devil is in the details, though, and often it is impossible to legislate in certain areas and satisfy everyone.
Much love Janie love all your topics very interesting b
First thing,
Surgery as an option. This is a patent lie! A Transsexual will ALWAYS find a way to have genital surgery. Transsexual is about being the wrong sex, period!
Second thing,
Sexually segregated facilities make perfect sense to all women! I am athletic and really quite strong for a woman yet 90% of the men walking the earth can overpower me! So sorry, unless you are a pre-op transsexual, you do NOT belong in women’s spaces! Address the real issue which is that you fear other men and stop taking from the women!
Tell me, when the backlash comes… and it will. Are you going to stand tall and proud as “trans?” Or are you going to retreat to “drab” and leave the whole sorry mess on the doorstep of those who must sexually transition or die?