2013Holiday Time
I hope everyone’s been safe and sane all year, and that the holiday season brings you joy and happiness – and lots of good prezzies.
Here’s hoping those who choose to focus their energies and careers on running other people’s lives renew (of find for the first time) their true devotion to public service and love of their fellow human beings.
There is no excuse in this day and age in societies whose minds have expanded to assimilate the concepts of the human genome, nanotechnology and such, that those same minds can be closed to the relatively simple concepts of the endless variety of the human experience and the ways embracing diversity enriches the human race.
More to the point, how can we not realize the obvious fact that compassion and love given freely return far greater rewards than bigotry and hate.
Cyrsti Hart
Merry Christmas Janie!!!!
All the best to you and yours and stay the hell out of the Egg Nog!!!!!!!!!
Same to you, Cyrsti! (Sorry so late…) and mmm, was that egg nog ever good! LOL