Perhaps I was naive, but I never used to have a problem with pornography, especially where, rather than being exploited themselves, adult women had the power, if they so chose, to exploit others’ interest in their bodies for their own gain. But, whatever my impressions in my younger, more masculine and more innocent days, I’m convinced that today’s porn represents a clear and present danger to the fabric of society.
My attention was turned to this industry when I received an unsolicited offer of a contract from a pornographer. That led me to research, which in turn led me to nauseous disgust.
The porn industry is dealing with many challenges these days, not the least of which is the availability of free XXX movies online, in any flavor imaginable.
The industry – or at least a certain segment of it – has responded by trying to up the ante by dreaming up ever more extreme versions of perversion – as if this will make the free clips obsolete, like last year’s smartphone.
Any sane person would realize this is nonsense. Anything they do will be online and free in short order, and force them to push the line even further; there is no way to keep up.
But, much more importantly, they are degrading humanity.
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