2014Just Living Life
In the past, I posted my thoughts on some complex transgender issues, but somehow rarely found time to post about just living life.
Not everything is drama, or even deep. In fact very little is.
We go about our days just living life and being who we are. Sounds boring – and that’s probably why I didn’t write about it before – but if one posts nothing but inner questioning and the like, people tend to get the impression that you are troubled. 😛
So, I’d like to provide a more realistic perspective of my life as a transwoman – largely free of drama and thankfully and blissfully living a fairly regular life. Sad that so many of us have to hope and dream just to reach the mundane…
Wild parties are all well and good, but I remember a time when my fondest wish was to be able to go buy groceries at the supermarket. Really.
Last weekend, we celebrated a family birthday by going to the out-laws for dinner. They made a delicious seafood paella, provided wonderful wines alongside and much laughter and good conversation.
What more can a girl ask for?
Shirley Corning
A new car, a trip to Hawaii, lunch with the president and Taylor Swift, a winning lottery ticket, a Brazillian butt lift, a living room big enough to roller skate in, a girl’s shopping list a mile long and credit cards to match just to name a few. Don’t wake me up. Sweet dreams Janie.
You’re a hoot, Shirley! 🙂
i love these kinds of posts. the everyday things sometimes are the most interesting! that food looks delicious! thanks for sharing!
What more can a girl ask for?