2011Kinky Kazaky
Ever heard of Kazaky?
They are an up-and-coming boy band, with multi-million-hit youtube releases of two music videos last year. Kazaky is a highly sexualized, gender-bending energetic, athletic Ukranian band, pumping out beat-heavy dance anthems that are actually pretty good!
But, what caught my eye – aside from their rock-hard abs and impressively synched dance steps – was that these boys do it in 4-inch heels!
Now, you know that I am not a big fan of mixing and mashing genders, but I do try to keep an open mind and see how each new idea in this regard hits me, as honestly as possible.
I can see where they are going to shake a lot of people up with their particular sexuality. It may get them into trouble in more traditional circles, but they will also make an impression on younger music fans. It will be interesting to see where this leads.
Me? I am not aware of their sexual orientation, though there are rumors they have girlfriends. I felt nothing sexually for them. They came off to me, regardless of their actual sexual preferences, like extreme versions of a certain type of gay boy I have often encountered in danceclubs – not my type, but I can certainly see the appeal for others.
But, the videos are sure fun to watch.
Did you ask them where you could get a pair of those shoes???
A great find! thanks