2012Looking in the Mirror
It is an inevitable challenge of being a heterosexual t-girl to decipher why it is that you like what you see in the mirror, to distinguish between your internal self and your external self.
As a non-T guy, you can look in the mirror and think that you look good, and that’s as far as it goes.
But, as a trans-woman, your impression is clouded by the simple fact that your guy side will be attracted to your female presentation.
So, when you look in the mirror, are you a woman admiring herself just as any single-gendered person might?
Or, are you a guy, being turned on by that woman in the mirror, whom you know you can have, who you know will do the things you want…
Seems like a “No Brainer” to me.
Happy New Year, Annie.
I think it is a little of both:))
For me, when i look in the mirror, I’m hoping to see the woman I’ve always seen inside. I’m hoping to see her cause I want others to see her. I want others to know her….for her to be able to relate to others as the woman that’s always been in there somewhere.
Every now and then, I may think, “gosh, you look pretty good.”. The few times that that happens, it lets me envision enjoying intimate moments from the female point of view…..certainly a life-long dream.
thay singh
you have hit the essence of the debate about autogynephilia right on the head. It’s a pretty ineffable question too – much like trying to describe one’s sexuality in hetero-normative terms, when one isn’t gender-normative.
Where’s the line between wanting to look good, and a kind of gender-centric narcissism? What do you call it when a girl wants to be a guy and is attracted to them sexually? It seems to me the questions are a lot easier to answer once you take gender out of them, frankly…
Thay,what do you call it when a guy wants to be a guy and is attracted to them sexually? The same question comes up even if one’s gender is not in issue – a gay man, for example, would still be staring at an image in his mirror that is both just himself and a person to whom he might be attracted.