2013Men and Their Heels
I just thought I’d direct your attention to an interesting article from the BBC entitled “Why Did Men Stop Wearing High Heels?”
For the uninitiated, it seems that men used to have long hair, wear flowing, frilly clothes, and yes, high heels. At times, this was done for functional reasons; other times, it was to signify wealth and class.
Equally interesting is that high heels were out of fashion for a time for both genders.
It was not only designers but changing gender and class roles and social mores that influenced who wore the pants… or stilettos… in the family.
Read up and enjoy. Here’s the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-21151350
Modern Times
Anyway, to answer the question from the BBC story, who stopped wearing heels? Certainly not me.
But, indeed I have swallowed the cultural mindset on fashion wholeheartedly, so that my heel-wearing is strictly a female preoccupation.
… and I seem to like my heels a little shinier and more “dangerous” than the clunky models our forebears chose. Those were an easy ride… if you want a show of courage, stand atop those towering 5″ red stilettos in the photo above. And, if it is pain you want, walk a mile in her shoes…
…and then tell me who is the weaker sex…
VERY Cool Photo!!! Well done!
Love it! Nice anklet!!
Western boots seem to have been a crossover point, or junction maybe, a while back. We dabbled in the cowboy craze once, and at that time even the men’s boots had taller heels. Maybe that’s why I liked it so much… 🙂
Recently I’ve been so tempted to wear my cowgirl boots with my boy jeans in boy mode. I love nice long jeans that hang down over the heels
Be careful Shan, you’re doing exactly what I spoke about doing in the last paragraph of Hair’s the Thing. You saw the comments, including your own. Are you headed down that road?