2012Nail Polish Prison
I put nail polish on my fingernails a few days ago, and wow, what an incredible intrusion it has been in my life!
…no, not really in a bad way; more of an enlightenment really.
If ever I was given to wonder how consistently I can allow myself to be Janie, having nail polish on my hands has brought that into clear focus.
I can’t see my family or my friends. Taking out the garbage should not be done when neighbors are about. Certain restaurants are off-limits. When workmen come to the door, or deliveries, they will notice too.
It’s not just the restrictions about where I can go and whom I can see, but also holding my feet to the fire in terms of being Janie.
I can’t see anyone as a guy. I have to be fully Janie for all outings in terms of the image I project to others, and no less so, I have to be fully Janie all the time even when I’m alone in terms of my own self-image.
I never figured that nail polish would be such a catalyst, but these past few days have been quite interesting.
I finally removed the polish when I had to go get a blood test, with my official Canadian, government-issued medical ID. …thought long and hard about leaving it on, but ended up taking it off.
I imagined I would put it right back on after the blood test, but then I had to meet a worker, and after that, I didn’t have time to do it…
So, I am free of it for a bit. But, I am still female. It is just that I don’t have to be, and that I can change from one gender to the other in a matter of maybe 2 minutes when nail polish is not involved.
In a way, I kinda miss being restricted 😉
Shirley Corning
But Janie when it comes to strangers like the workmen, deliveries and particularly the medical profession which has seen it all who cares? They sure don’t. To what extent is it reasonable caution or unreasoning fear? Surely you can be a little more daring than that and get away with it. Might even be fun.
Yes, you are right, Shirley. Confusing the trades could be fun, but I don’t want them putting pipes in the wrong way and stuff LOL
Shirley Corning
Oh darn it. I overlooked clicking the follow-up comments check box so I’ll do it now.
Shannon Townes
Just another one of those little details, those little steps, that can’t be hidden…like those little holes in the ears. There for the whole world to take note….assuming they have the interest or time.
Guess you could always try a nude polish that doesn’t stand out as much as brighter colors. For me…for now…I’ll just keep the toes polished and enjoy playing with different colors there.
Maybe clear polish first; then we might see about nude.
Shannon Townes
I’m really up on things here so…..is there a clear polish with more of a matter finish? The shine of a clear polish would surely draw attention and make me a nervous wreck.
Well, maybe not quite that bad…..
I put on clear polish two nights ago & I couldn’t bear to take it off. I was so worried what my co-workers would think I stopped on my way to buy nail polish remover-but once at work I was loathe to use it because the smell is a dead give-away. So I left it on. I was so worried someone might notice-my nails are already too long for a masculine look and I file them nicely .I was hyper-ventilating. But no one did. Not a stray eye towards my hands. So-it stays on. And I’m so happy!
Good for you, Gwen. Sometimes we find ourselves trapped into having to get through say a day at work with nail polish, and realize it can be done, even if we might never had had the courage to try it on purpose.
Are all these little steps an indication of something larger.
Shannon Townes
Hmmmmmmm…..me thinks maybe so
Petra Bellejambes
It is getting trite by now me thanking you for cleaving open a little fissure of thought darling, but you did it again.
Prison, the penalty in the game of getting away with it and getting caught at it.
It is a part of the attraction too, is it not?
There is the life giving thrill or driving fast and heedless around the dangerous bends in the road, red nails clasping the wheel. The tight corners we put ourselves into are sometimes the only places we find newness, and flavours the others simply do not get a taste of.
And there is the sweet relief of veering back from the edge.
This stuff is the very essence of a life fully lived.
Hurrah for Janie!
Some day I will go for a lovely manicure, and come away blood red, clawed and ready for prey. Some day.
In the meantime, I relish the freedom that I take have with a set of press ons.
Love your style m’dear.
xoxo – Petra
We must have a manicure together, then perhaps rent a red Ferrari for an hour and make a total spectacle of ourselves!
No doubt, the thrill is a factor, but I would hate to think that the joy I find in Janie would fade once I’d reached the limits of my feminine expression and there were no more chances to take.
Shirley Corning
I love you all as sisters. Each of you are adorable in your own way and get a big hug. One alternative to all this is to wait until you’re so old you just don’t give a damn anymore but before you do come on a virtual trip with me. See what I see. We’re going shopping at any place the public frequents, the mall, Walmart, Target, etc. As we stroll along our minds automatically identify everything in sight from ceiling to floor, from left to right, fixtures and products, men and women, girls and boys, fat or thin, tall or short, young or old, handsome or not, pretty or not, their demeanor and so much more mostly without a conscious word or a second thought dynamically. It’s amazing how quickly it does all this, slapping multiple labels on everything. The minds of the passing people are doing the same thing. You can read their faces almost as well as if their was a thought viewing screen built into their foreheads. Most pass by focused on their own objectives paying little if any attention to anyone else and I can see their minds have automatically identified me as a tall big about 50 year old woman. That figures since I’m almost 6’5″ and 235 lbs. About 90% or so of the people don’t even glance my way. One of my most used tricks for those coming towards me or looking directly at me is to look some other way so they only have either a partial side view of my face or see nothing but my long hair. Of those I make direct eye contact with most are women. The men have trained themselves apparently not to let you see they’re looking without reason to make eye contact. Staring of course is considered rude and I don’t get any. I get some smiles though and I smile back whether read or not. So maybe about 1% or 2% of the people read me. My voice isn’t very feminine and I haven’t gone to great lengths to change it so when I talk to people face to face it’s pretty easy to read me but I’m happy and upbeat, cheerful and joking. It’s fun. The people get into it and go with me having fun too. The people who see me again brighten up on sight and are happy to see me. Everybody seems to love me and I love me too. lol Most people are good people and I like them all. Not that I’m going to try it but I feel like I could darn near skip into a biker bar in a pink spring dress and just end up having a few beers while chatting with the guys and gals and playing pool.
Now come back in time with me to my place of work. It took me about 3 years to get up the nerve to try anything there but I got a manicure and had her apply clear polish. I didn’t know if anyone would notice but I had my excuse ready in case anyone did. No one noticed or said a word. A couple weeks later I got another manicure but picked a very light translucent pink for the polish. Again no one noticed. This went on for about 3 more months and with each manicure I picked a slightly brighter color until I was up to a creamy light pink. Ah, playing with fire. Then my coworker Bob having no shortage of nerve himself mentioned it saying,”We’ve noticed you’re wearing nail polish.” so I replied with my prepared excuse saying, “Yes. I started getting manicures as the lazy way to keep my nails neat and clean. The polish comes with it and I found I like having a little color.” He had nothing of consequence to say after that and we moved on to another subject. No one else ever said a word and I continued to get manicures and light colored polish for the remaining couple of years I worked there. The same thing happened at a subsequent job I worked 7 years. I started wearing women’s shoes, just black closed toe flats. One day a coworker looked down at my feet and said, “Those are women’s shoes.” I was ready and said, “Oh yes. I know. They’re quite comfortable and I like them.” He shrugged his shoulders and that was the last I heard about it. The moral of the story here is if your going to get daring have your excuse ready. I had those little holes in my ears for 3 years with a regular haircut working at the ultra conservative courthouse in downtown LA and no one ever noticed or said a word. If anyone had said anything I would’ve told them, “I like to wear studs on the weekend which is about as radical as I get and the kids think I’m cool.” Use any excuse you like because any excuse will do.
Now that I’ve written another book I’ll close with a quote I now live by
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right!” Henry Ford
Shirley Corning
And then you could’ve heard a pin drop…..
Perhaps “Last Word Shirley” should be my name. lol
You have a lot of moxy, no doubt more than most, but having prepared answers only works if someone actually asks. Most of the time, people just make their judgments and treat you accordingly without so much as a peep.
Shirley Corning
Thank you for the compliment Claire. I agree that a prepared answer is only of use if someone asks and that people will make judgements and assumptions about you without telling you a thing or giving any indication what they think. Doesn’t everyone? It doesn’t matter what think. It’s what if anything they do about it that counts. Only the consequences matter. So what do most people do? Nothing. They don’t care what your problem is and see no reason to bother with you. They make an assumption (usually incorrect), drop you into a catagory and leave you there.
This is no theory. No guess. I’ve tested the public and the people I’ve worked with in medium to large corporations over the last two decades. Not much of consequence happened and the little that did was not hard to handle.
Obviously though geographical location even in the same country can make a big difference. I live in the Southern California area just North of Los Angeles County where millions of people are accustomed to the idea they live with a huge variety of people and nationalitites. If I was traveling to countries like Iran or Indonisia I would get off the plane looking like Steven Segal. The joke would be on them then because I am anything but macho.
I majored in physics and the first assignment the instructor gave was to determine the average length of a car. Anyone who sat around theorizing got an F. Anyone who went out and started measuring car lengths with a tape measure got an A. How can you determine the real limits without testing them? Wait for someone else to do it? Would you believe them if they did?
I had to get my nails done today so I’m stuck with these acrylics for another two weeks. I’ve been in the mood for bright colors lately. Last time it was Ruby Slippers red with glitter and this time I picked a bright pink topped with glitter as you can see in my profile picture. I also had to wear two sets of long earrings because both ears are double pierced. It’s a bitch but what’s a girl to do? :)<<
Shirley Corning
Oh duh. I finally connect the dots and realize when it says Claire it’s you Janie. Here’s my sign, “Out to lunch.” I’m still working on Australian standard time or at least that’s my excuse. I have to show your Model T-Girl photo to my cousin Gloria. She’ll love it. Catch you later silly.
I accept most of what you say, but I want to clarify my previous comment. I am not talking about overt negative reactions – like violence or standing in a group while laughing and pointing fingers. I am speaking of the cold shoulder, the ignoring, the inability to forge close relationships or to get favors from friends. Losing those is probably the larger risk of the kind of behavior you are describing – at least I worry it would be for me.
Shirley Corning
When it comes to that sort of ostracism and silent exclusion I’d have to say I could never tell. Regardless of whether it was obvious gender bending and everyone knew or it was a total secret everyone and their treatment of me seemed to be the same. The few who were offended, unforgiving and angry (All women. Go figure.) were obvious.
You live in I would assume a society with it’s own set of standards and any similarity to Southern California would be coincidental. Notwithstanding general rules of thumb all bets are off when you get down to an individual’s point of view. Right? So all I can do is say what my experience was when my gender bending was obvious and everyone knew and when it wasn’t obvious. Briefly by employment period as a Senior Programmer Analyst in chronological order:
Los Angeles Municipal Court, 5.5 years. Had my ears pierced 2nd year. Used fish line trick to hide it while healing. Wore suit, tie and regular haircut the whole time. My ears were never hidden but no one ever noticed the holes. I kept my femme self totally secret never wearing or doing anything else that might give it away.
Clothestime Inc., 7 months. Wore thigh high panties to work everyday. I was standing alone in the break room one afternoon facing the window as the sunlight streamed in. A young lady entered the room behind me and recognized the outline of my underwear the sun had revealed under my suit pants. She bounced up in front of me with a big smile on her face and I could see her eyes moving from side to side studying my face for about 3 seconds apparently looking for other confirming features or clues. She left just as quickly without saying a word giving me the impression she could hardly wait to tell her friends about it. The grapevine lit up and it was obvious to me at least the women knew including my manager, Linda. She was sympathetic and I could see her concern but she held herself back from breaching the subject unless I brought it up. I didn’t. Nothing of consequence occurred after that.
Bugle Boy Industries, 3.5 years. This is where Bob mentioned it when my light nail colors finally bright enough to be noticed. Nothing else happened until I showed up as Goldilocks and the three bears for Halloween. That raised some suspicion and I overheard one gal saying to two others, “He could not have learned to walk in those heels overnight.” She was right. I won first prize and nothing I could tell of consequence happened after that either. Then I appeared as Shirley on the Leeza Gibbons show with 3 other cross dressers, my wife and oldest daughter. The day the show aired the grapevine lit up like lightning had struck it. Bob informed me that everyone knew. That was the last I heard about it and still nothing of consequence as far as I could tell happened.
Countrywide Funding, 1.5 years. Didn’t do anything provocative.
Gary’s Tuxedo’s, 3 months. Only wore modest nail colors and showed up cross dressed for Halloween. The comptroller was an older woman outraged that I would dare to wear nail polish to work. She never spoke to me but she would glare at me angrily whenever she saw me. She asked the owner to fire me but he told her she would have to get personnel’s approval to do that. She finally got the personnel director to reluctantly come and give me a warning. All he said was, “The nail polish is considered inappropriate and you should take it off.” then left. That pissed me off. I wasn’t going to take it off for that bitch or anyone else. The job sucked to begin with and the job market was very good at the time. I didn’t take it off and two weeks later I was suddenly escorted to the door. I made two phone calls and had another job in less than two weeks. The company subsequently went bankrupt.
Lamps Plus, 7 years. Settled in a few months then started wearing nail polish again progressing to bright colors such as red, purple, violet, lavender and pink. Had fun comparing nail colors with Doris our department manager. Switched to medium length acrylics like I wear now. Got my ears pierced a second time. Wore diamond studs and gold hoop earrings up to an inch in diameter. Wore women’s shoes, black closed toe flats up to 1.25 inch heels. Tried an open toed black pump, all straps with a 2 inch heel once but that made me too nervous. Wore trouser socks, sometimes conservative blouses, women’s slacks and modest bras. Never wore men’s underwear. Did 4 Halloweens in a row cross dressed. Nothing negative I know of ever came of it all. Everyone knew or could plainly see I was gender bent in some way but the anti discrimination policy of the company was quite clear and no one was fool enough to say one word or do anything that would get them in trouble with personnel. I never got a warning from personnel. Comically to the extent it is funny two women were obviously offended and grumpy about me. They worked in different departments and were powerless to do anything about me. They would not speak to me unless I spoke to them and would walk past me with their noses in the air as if I wasn’t there looking aloof and offended by someone as disgusting as me. I didn’t think highly of them either but there’s no need to elaborate.
I became disabled and had to retire after that. Depressed I didn’t do much of anything or much in the way of gender bending until 2010 when I started to recover. Then something lit a fire under me and I took off gaining momentum exponentially until I became the wicked bitch of the West I am today. I’m unstoppable, unsinkable and at times very annoying, almost as annoying as the beloved old battle axe Virginia Prince, pioneer and author, the one who coined the term transgenderist to distinguish herself from transsexuals and founded Tri-Ess National for heterosexual cross dressers, their wives and significant others. The term transgender was derived from her term and subsequently came to mean much more. I’m proud to follow in her footsteps and those of only one other not so well known, Kimberly Richards. Very, very few choose to live full time as women but will not transition like transsexuals and undergo SRS. They are so rare they are off the radar and there are no statistics. I am one of those almost as rare as JC Himself. The human race has had a love affair with categories from the day one earnestly wanting to fit everyone into the right one but when you narrow it down to the individual it is absurd because everyone is absolutely unique. There has never been anyone before, nor is there now, nor will there ever be anyone exactly like you. It is the roll of God’s infinite dice and a gift to you from Him. You are an absolute blessing to the world. Live it with the volume turned up to the max. Blast it out ignoring any other concept of what you should be or what you should do. That is their concept, not yours. Resign yourself to what you perceive as their limits for you or be your true self. I had lots of good reasons to conform and told myself it was impractical and that it would never work for me.to live as a woman but I was mistaken. I live as a woman now and I couldn’t be happier.
Stare at the stars and what do you see? A universe so infinite you couldn’t explore it all from one star to another in just one galaxy in your your lifetime even if you had a starship capable of getting from one star to another quickly. We will never reach the end even with a Star Trek warp drive at the max. Since we can’t beam up let’s do lunch and go shopping. I have to fluff up the public. They’re starved for entertainment and it’s just so much fun to play with them. Somehow I feel like the Cheshire cat and want to stretch my claws smiling before digging in. I’d just like one of those star fleet form fitting uniforms and a body to match. Dear me. What’s a girl to do on these lonely long voyages between solar systems? lol I try to be a good girl but I’m not. Somehow I can’t stop smiling and giving people looks. You of course have no wicked thoughts and of course neither do I (BS). Once I have my brains f****d out I’m fine. lol Who wouldn’t be?
You rock girl,