2011Non-Verbal Communication
Coming across as a woman involves communicating as one – and that’s a much broader concept than one’s actual voice.
Far from the direct and monotone, goal-oriented communication that men use, female speech is differently motivated and but one part of a much more complex form of communication.
To effect a feminine voice, you want to have an acceptable pitch – which is what most of us focus upon. But, there are plenty of women with low voices who are never mistaken for men. So dwell on that for a moment.
Obviously, I cannot, nor am I qualified to, present a full course on speaking like a woman in this post, but here are five factors to try an incorporate into your attempts to come off as female when speaking. I am learning these as well:
- Women speak more slowly, more melodically and with more articulation than do men.
- Women speak to connect with each other and tend to stand closer to each other.
- Women tend not to be as forceful and adamant about what they say (even if they mean it every bit as seriously) or try to compete when speaking.
- Women use a change in pitch rather than volume to make a point.
- Women touch, smile and use body language, including head movement when communicating.
Hope it helps…
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