Why Now? – Getting Real

Some of you may be wondering, as one reader asked me the other day, why “all this self-doubt has surfaced.”

First, I thank all of you for your concern and encouragement.  But, don’t worry, I’m not despairing.

The truth is, I have kinda forced the issue…

I have been Janie for some time now, and for the most part, I have just let things unfold as nature would have them unfold, and took it as it came.

I have followed a well-worn path of first dressing alone at home, then, feeling the need to get out of the house, I started going to clubs and finding out-of-the-way shops and cafes.  I started posting photos and thoughts on the internet, feeling that the vastness of the world-wide-web offered sufficient protection to my identity – that those I knew would be unlikely to run across my images – and that has held true, so far.

But, as Janie develops, I have found that it is never enough. 

I have hit a wall as a girl.  I need a real life… to be able to go to work, or to volunteer, or to take classes, or even just to shop for groceries or whatever if Janie is going to continue to develop as a real person. img_2234a-life-is-good

More to the point, if being Janie is going to be a constructive influence in my life, she has to have a real and vibrant social circle, and make a genuine contribution in society.

Otherwise, at best she is just entertainment – a way to happily pass the time, like watching TV. At worst, she could be a distraction that is highly destructive to my former life.

But these things are not possible without living in a way that is sure to conflict with the existence I have had until now.  Simple things like inviting people to my home, or going to a professional meeting or even a social event, or starting a business, is going to let everyone know who and what I really am.

And so, before I pass the point of no return, I need to know what I am doing and why.  I need to have real confidence that this is right for me, because unlike the past, which until now has been fun and games, this kind of life will be forever.