redhead tgirl in green dress portrait


In all my recent writing about contemplating an adjustment to the way I express my femininity, there is one huge presumption: that I have a choice.

This is not a popular concept within the transgender (or even gay) community, and I am not going to undertake the futile task of even suggesting that my feelings apply to anyone but me. Suffice it to say that there are those who believe that it is a stronger statement to say “I choose to be” than it is to say “I can’t help it,” though the latter has always been a better political argument.

Controversial as that may seem, I repeat that I am NOT interested in taking on that political discussion. For me, it is a choice. It has always been a choice.

I mean, I don’t have a choice as to my psychological makeup, or as to whether I might enjoy living as a woman, but I have a choice as to whether to do so or not.

I love being Janie. It brings good things into my life, and it is something that makes me feel good about myself, at least most of the time. I feel well-suited emotionally, mentally and physically to being Janie, and my social circumstances permit it.

If it weren’t thus, and Janie brought destruction, ridicule, loneliness and misery to my life, I would simply not do it. But, none of this is true. It’s all good.

That should be enough.