We in Canada are proud to say that in our nation’s capital, during the weekend of Transgender Remembrance Day (November 18 – 20), there will be a flag raising at the Ottawa Police Headquarters, honoring the trans community specifically.
It is ground-breaking to be recognized on our own, outside of the GLBT umbrella, of which we seem so often to be a marginal part.
Further significance attaches to the fact that it is the police that are doing this for us, despite the mistrust of many in the trans community of the police.
There is also a meeting with political leaders at City Hall. The goal is to get Bill C-389 back on track – a bill to add gender identity and gender expression to the prohibited grounds for discrimination under the Human Rights Code in Canada. This bill has passed once in our Parliament, but died when an election was called.
I would hope that anyone who can go to the event gets there, because it is so important to send the message that we recognize how critical this step is and appreciate the progress. I hate to admit this, but I am on a plane in the opposite direction that day so I cannot make it – I didn’t know about this event until today, and am still trying to find a way to change my plans, though I cannot see how.
That I can’t go just means we need everyone else even more.
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