2011Revelations in the Mirror
I must say that a tgirl sees some funny things in the mirror.
Oftentimes, that humor is but a manifestation of a little inner pain and confusion, but a little laughter is nice medicine.
One such incident just occurred as I changed clothes.
I spent the day with my hair tied back and in manly clothes doing the pinstripe thing, and when I got home, I just wanted to wear something more comfortable.
Ordinarily, that’s my cue to put on some leggings and a loose girly top and maybe a little lipstick, but as I have lately been in a state of inner questioning and trying to give “him” a little more breathing room, I opted for baggy shorts and a polo top.
As I pulled out my pony tail that was long past hurting my hair, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror…
Y’know, it’s a funny thing… I am currently grappling with my inner accusations of being a crazy guy pretending to be a woman and I do look at my reflections now and again, and see the man inside and wonder what’s the matter with me.
But, right then, there in the mirror was the unmistakeable image of a girl making an effort (and not succeeding very well) at pretending to be a guy!
I had to laugh.
Sometimes, you just can’t win…
How wonderful and fulfilling it must have been to see that image looking back at you. For what it’s worth, I see nothing but a natural girl. BTW, I love your choice of ‘home casual” attire.