The other day, I wrote about feeling like an imposter… which begs the question, “What exactly is the pretence?”
Stated differently, “What is it about being a woman that I am doing that is not authentic?”
Of course, these questions lead into consideration of what being a woman is all about… a bit of a tough question.
I turned this over in my mind a few times, and began thinking about the roles we all play in life. We are each none-too-subtly guided toward certain conventions of behavior based on our sex. Eventually, we all find our own comfortable way of being – usually fine distinctions within the broad strokes of the parameters we were given, but the variations are not always slight and evolutionary.
I think most of us assimilate certain presumptions about ourselves and others, and most people do so without even realizing it or thinking about it. Then come moments of reflection, or catalyst events that trigger revelations, and we may get an inkling that there are possibilities beyond what we have always assumed were the boundaries of our existence.
If we follow those, we start down a road that may lead right out of town, so to speak…
Next time, some thoughts from the city limits…
Enjoy the trip! 🙂
Andie Davidson
Possibilities? Oh yes! Welcome to suburbia and moving out into open country … The air is fresh, and you really feel alive.
So, what was your “catalyst event”?
Follow that road, sweetie….eyes wide open….obey the speed limit….enjoy where it takes you. Hugs!
I think there was no real catalyst event as much as a dawning realization coming out of reflection that this might be a possibility; thereafter, it became its own catalyst.