Starting 2010

img_0093aUsually, at this time of year, I am full of resolutions for the coming months, but somehow this year, I have nothing at all on that front.

Of course, I still have lots of ideas for self-improvement, and things I’d like to try, as well as new ideas for this blog.  But somehow, I just don’t feel like making resolutions.

That could be taken as a sign that I’m a little down and simply not in the mood.  But I think it is more that I just want to get to it, rather than making any grand pronouncements about what I am going to do.

After all, one of the main reasons to make resolutions, especially public ones, is to produce a yardstick against which to measure yourself, and an inducement not to embarrass yourself in front of all those people who know what you promised to do.

All I’m going to promise today is to be better tomorrow.

Best wishes again for a great 2010!