2011The Long Wait
Bathroom use for tgirls seems to be all the rage as a hot-button issue for the acceptance of trans people – a ridiculous shame of digression and distraction.
In any event, I had a bit of a challenging experience yesterday. I usually just go in, quietly proceed to an open stall, do my business and get out without making an issue of the whole thing.
But, the restaurant where I was last night had a women’s washroom that had a beautiful waiting area complete with vinyl sofa and it was meant to be used; there were only 2 little cabinets off in the corner. The restaurant is rather large, so it should come as little surprise that there was a line – and there would always be a line…
So, it was either hold it in for the entire meal, or queue up.
The fact that the line was inside the washroom only served to make things more uncomfortable for me.
…and there was no avoiding the social aspect of waiting with other women…
It was a very intimidating experience for me.
Well, I will spare you the details, but I survived. Still, it certainly was the least comfortable bathroom experience I’ve had as a gurl.
I realized that at any moment, one of the women might realize that I was not biologically female, and might care enough to cause a scene.
I knew I would have just walked – no, run – out of there at the first sign of trouble, and that it is highly unlikely that anything terribly bad would have happened to me.
But, it is not a nice feeling to have…
What town was this in? San Diego or ?
Shirley Corning
I’ve been to a restaurant ladies room when a young lady stared at me in disbelief but nothing happened as a result. So stand there girly one whether anyone reads you or not. Just be cool and respectable and you should be fine. So says the gurly mahn who has even been felt up while sitting on the pot. Oh, naughty girls. I have no excuse for them. Do you?
No excuse at all 😉 . But, you do have to tell me that story one day.
Shirley Corning
Naughty girls indeed but the place where I encountered them was no ordinary night club. This was the Queen Mary located on Ventura Blvd near Van Nuys, CA, which was open to everyone but catered to Tgirls of all sorts in the eighties and nineties. I heard about this safe haven and went to check it out in 1990 as Gordon but only viewed the front section where most tourists used to go which had a bar, theater and stage. They had a live performance of female impersonators but it was obvious to me that at least one of the impersonators was a trany with hip and breast implants. The management there appeared of be of the opinion that only gays could deal objectively with the various patrons there so that’s all they hired with the exception of the bouncers. That fact turned out to be very funny because when I watched the show as Gordon the waiters gave me the very best service practically tripping over themselves to bring me anything I could possibly want but the next time I showed up for the same show as Shirley with my wife and a couple of other Tgirls you practically had to trip them to get any service. It was absurd but they had low opinion of Tgirls in a place that catered to Tgirls. I found out that the place where the Tgirls really hung out was in the back bar and dance floor so I made up my mind I was going to go there as Shirley to see what it was like. Well it didn’t take long before I was a regular there having drinks and burning a hole in the dance floor because I love to dance and really rock and shake it up. Now they had a little restroom back there just for the Tgirls but it was small and not very private so I avoided it but one night I just had to go and used it. So while I’m sitting there a hand reaches under the partition feeling my thigh then pinching me so I say, “Hey!” but it was too late. The culprit could not be found. This is the same place where a drunken man whom I think had no idea where he was at thought I was his hot date and wanted to take me home with him but there was no way that was going to happen. I convinced him and he was very disappointed but I and the bouncer who wouldn’t back down from anyone weren’t about to let him have his way. The fantasy ends at the door man. If I thought I needed it the bouncer would’ve escorted me to my car but I think I’m big enough I could’ve dangled the guy buy his neck being much smaller than me. It is older than the proverbs, “Alchohol is outrageous.” and this was a classic example. Take it easy on the booze people. It’s no good in the end.
So there’s the story Janie. Actually I would’ve liked to have told you the feel up was in some common ladies restroom which I’ve been in many times but it wasn’t but of course that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened in a more typical setting. Girls can be naughty too. Just imagine it and it’s probably happened. Some of the craziest stuff has. I’ll take something really kinky. How about you?
Shirley, so innocent (hardly) and a virgin (sort of). if you don’t count screwing like crazy whenever possible. I’m above reproach somewhat sort of I think.. OK. I’m fucking crazy really but that’s hardly a surprise. So what have you got to say for yourself goody two shoes? I know you haven’t made any such pretense but I can’t resist asking you about it. Inquiring minds need to know as they say with regard to the National Enquirer. Fess up. We want to know your deepest secrets as long as they’re not too gross. Ha ha. Why do I hear the church lady saying, “Well isn’t that just special?” I’ll default back to my blonde wig and chewing gum saying, “I don’t get it.”
Your somewhat nutty fan,
Nutty, indeed, Shirley 😀 I confess pretty much everything on these pages… (she says, batting her eyelashes…) Yes, I’ll take kinky, at least in certain flavors; I’ll take vanilla too. I am no goody two-shoes, but I am careful and particular.