2011There is no “O” in Sex (sometimes)
I continue to be surprised by some of the insights I have gained in my journey between the genders. Sometimes, I feel like a double-agent, infiltrating the feminine ranks in the dating game and bringing back valuable insights for the male side.
In her comments on one of my blog posts about a month ago, Trish reminded me about one such insight, and I have been meaning to write about it ever since, only getting to it now. (Sorry.)
Trish’s very frank comments talk about how she and the men she dates relate to each other, especially sexually.
What caught my eye was her comment about never having an orgasm yet totally enjoying herself.
…don’t know about “never” but…
Pssst… Want to Know a Secret
I think most men have had the experience of being with a woman who, for one reason or another, was not able to climax during a sexual encounter. Especially in the context of a relationship, she might say something along the lines of, “ Don’t worry, honey. I really enjoyed it. It doesn’t have to happen every time.”
What man has ever believed that? She’s just sparing our feelings, being nice… Right?
Well, I can tell you that I have uttered those words myself, as a woman, and I have sincerely and truly meant them.
Sometimes, it really doesn’t matter.
Sometimes, you just want to be with someone in a special way.
I certainly never understood that point of view as a guy, and I am not even able to understand why it is true for me as a woman…
…but it is.
What a great post. And yes it is hard to understand but true. Sometime sex is more thanphysical but emotional. Sharing that intimate vulnerable side.giving in to.a.lover letting them.take You. Or a lover giving control to you can be emotionally satisfying in a way that physical satisfaction can’t match. Or that emotional tie during intimacy that it difficult to get any other way. So yes they may be no physical O but the emotional one can be oh so satisfying