2012Thoughts on Thoughts
As regular followers have no doubt noticed, I have not been posting with my usual regularity recently.
Ah, the blogger’s life…
In the years that I have been writing this blog, I have never lacked for things to write about – such is the nature of the wondrous self-discovery that is part of the t-girl life.
And, to be honest, there are no shortage of ideas rolling around in my empty large head (too large for my body, if you ask me) at the moment.
The problem for me has been quite the opposite. I have had so many thoughts and emotions flitting in and out of my consciousness lately, that I feel like a kitten among mice running around and birds flying about… I can’t focus long enough on one to pin it down.
And, the feelings have been particularly personal and intense, which makes it all the harder to be able to distill them into coherent thoughts worthy of sharing.
So, bear with me. Stuff’s coming.
My introspective interlude is about to be rudely interrupted by a week of partying in Las Vegas and renewal of wonderful friendships.
I will be sure to report from Sin City, so keep an eye out. And, perhaps during lazy days by the pool recovering from the prior night’s shenanigans, there will be time for deeper thoughts and an openness to receiving the real truths I have been seeking.
Keep it tuned here and follow me on twitter. I am going to try to tweet in real time, and I believe the girls are going to use the hashtag #VWS12.
Shirley Corning
I’m glad to hear you’re not getting all blogged down Janie and there’s more to come… Your going to Vegas. How nice. You’ll be just around the corner from me (about 300 miles one way). It’s tempting to try and meet you there with a small group of frequent flyers experienced at making the very best of it and getting into exclusive clubs free. Get pretty. Get real pretty and let those bad boys eat their hearts out. lol
I enjoy reading your post and look forward to more. Can’t wait to read about your trip to Lost Wages.