2011Tiresome TGirling
It is no secret how much I love being Janie.
But, there are two sides to me, and sometimes I’m just not feeling girly, either because I have my man on, or just because I am in “default mode.” Janie requires energy – and gives me energy in return – but sometimes, I’m just spent.
Trudging through the snow and sloppy city slush soup of snow, salt and city-grime, to a meeting where I had to be Janie, I just could not channel my inner girl.
It started when I was getting dressed – couldn’t find the right outfit that was cute and stylish but also weatherproof. Clearly, there are parts of my winter wardrobe woefully wanting.
I made the mistake of starting with a mid-blue skirt that I can never really match to anything, added tights that were a shade off, and a fave top that came close in hue to my only pair of girly winter-ready shoes, then looked in the mirror… and slouched at the sight.
Maybe, a scarf could save the outfit… I tried several and found one I liked. But, no… The tights really had to go. But aaacchhh! I didn’t want to change those…
“Oh, screw it,” I thought, just as GF passed by with a look of horror at my outfit. I was getting a bit “frustrated-antsy,” if you know what I mean – kinda on the verge of a tiny tantrum – when she suggested that at least I might trade the skirt for a plain jean-skirt.
Fine, whatever.
It did look a bit better, but nothing I’d want to show off.
At my meeting, I kept hearing this little voice in my head reminding me that I was sitting wrong, speaking too much and not caring enough about my voice and posture… but I just kept doing it. (I’m sure my companion will be pleased to hear how much internal overhead was being spent on irrelevant, self-absorbed drama.)
It would have been great if I could have stepped outside myself for a second and given myself a swift kick in the butt while barking, “Smarten up!!”
But, that’s not ladylike either, now is it?
Linda Marie Daniels
On the one hand, one of the things that’s fortunate about crossdressing is that we don’t always have to be girly. Sometimes, it’s nice to just be a good ol’ boy, not worry too much about appearance, gestures, whatever and just hang out.
On the other hand, your being frustrated at not finding just the right outfit sounds very girly. In guy mode, I seldom worry if I look “just right” – not to say that I don’t want to make a good impression and look good, but I don’t feel the pressure to look “just right”
I hope you had a fun evening once you got dressed and out.
Thanks for another fun post.
I suppose you’re right, Linda. Thanks for the thought.
Hi Janie
I can totally relate to what you have described. It is almost as though, ‘today I have not got my girly hat on’ or maybe even ‘head on’. I use this feeling, or at least the number of times that it occurs, to define myself as a crossdresser rather than a transexual.
On the other hand there must be many occasions when a genetic girl wakes up feels shit, selects the wrong outfit, but just puts a diifferent label on how she is feeling.
Ask your gf for an opinion. It would be an interesting read.
Tina xx