A few of the girls coming to our Las Vegas fete are hell-bent on invading a topless swimming pool at one of the other hotels.
One is tempted to the reaction that this was much ado about nothing… to state it bluntly: take the top off a bikini-wearing crossdresser, and you have a man in a speedo!
Ok, ok, that’s not exactly right, I know. With wigs and makeup, it would certainly have a different flavor, and those of the girls who are on hormones or who have implants would obviously have a completely different experience.
But, it struck me how, in a way, it is all coming full circle… to go through all these changes only to end up doing something we could have done any time without a second thought as guys, and making a big deal about it.
Upon reflection, though, that’s really the whole point, isn’t it?
I mean, so much of a person’s sexuality is between their ears. Here is a perfect example of an activity that has completely changed simply due to how we think of ourselves and our bodies. The act is the same, but it sure doesn’t feel that way!
And, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in transition or not. All that matters is that you feel yourself to be a woman.
As someone not on hormones and without implants (topless, profoundly 😉 ), I can tell you that even I have come to feel much differently about my breasts (which are unchanged since before I first became Janie). I do not casually expose them, I do not walk around without a shirt, and I instinctively cover them up.
So, as it happens, going to a topless pool would indeed be a titillating (sorry, but you knew I had to go there 😀 ) experience for me.
Goll, darn!
Shannon Townes
“I can tell you that even I have come to feel much differently about my breasts (which are unchanged since before I first became Janie). I do not casually expose them, I do not walk around without a shirt, and I instinctively cover them up.”
I feel and do the same. It just shows that you are, after all, female in heart mind and soul…..regardless of the package you have been put in…..lol