2012Um… Is This the Men’s Room?
I shouldn’t really get a kick out of confusing the poor uninitiated, but for some reason, I do.
I was in a suburban restaurant the other day, totally in guy mode, when the need arose to use the loo. Of course, I went to the men’s room.
As I was standing at the sink, washing my hands, the door (which was slightly behind me and to my left) opened and a man came forward. I turned to look and saw him stop in his tracks as he took in the sight of me, look back at the sign on the door, then back at me.
Then, he stepped back and let the door close.
A few seconds later, the door opened again, and I turned to him and said with a friendly smile, “Yes, you’re in the right place.” I paused, aware that he still wasn’t completely buying it, and reassured him, “And, so am I.”
He snuck one more glance at the sign on the door, and then, meekly, entered.
“Happens to me all the time,” I commented, though, in point of fact, this has never happened to me before.
It is one thing to be mistaken for a female when in male clothing and of a male mind, but quite another for someone to see me with what is effectively a sign pointing at me saying, “Man!” and not be able to find the male in me. He chose to doubt the sign rather than my femininity.
Considering that I am trying to lead a serviceable male life part of the time, I shouldn’t like this development. After all, what strangers see is what friends see.
Shouldn’t like it at all… 😉
There’s a lot more to femininity than appearance…movement, even posture….
Now that you’re leaking gender a lot will it continue?
Maybe you should think that IF you do come out to your friends…they won’t be that surprised gf…and comment #1 is dead on it!
Mary-Margret Callahan
I would have had a great laugh at that. You didn’t enjoy that one bit…..right. ;P