“One of the things about doing this is I just have gotten a completely different appreciation of what women do, what women are, what they go through, all of those things. If I forgot my phone in the car, or I have to feed the meter or something, running out to my car in heels is different than running out to my car not in heels, y’know?” – Claire Black (Janie)
Gosh, you and Connie are just made for each other. Here we have a simple, candid shot in the rain, and you look wonderful!! So totally feminine, Janie….and I love this frizzy, frazzled hair look on you…(or whatever you called it)
You are such a natural girl, hon.
One of the main ways I got to appreciate women was dealing with men. One time I was dressed hair to heels, lipstick to lace and he never showed up. I realized women have been dealing with this for ever. Or he’s very late. Or he is dressed like a slob. Or he expects me to drop everything and meet him in an hour dressed to kill. Some of them are really great but never call or write and fade away and some you wish would fade away ALWAYS write. Now I know why women use the old excuse “sorry but I have to wash my hair tonight, maybe another time/” All part of the ‘female experience’ which I love.
Got to take the good with the bad.
The wisdom of experience, Trish. For all the time in my past that I have spent as a man, I still cannot believe the way some men behave when trying to get me to go out with them. It has taken some time and I’m not there yet, in learning how best to deal with it all. Women learn early on in life; I still need more time. And yet, you’re right, it is part of the experience.
Gosh, you and Connie are just made for each other. Here we have a simple, candid shot in the rain, and you look wonderful!! So totally feminine, Janie….and I love this frizzy, frazzled hair look on you…(or whatever you called it)
You are such a natural girl, hon.
Thanks again, Shannon. She did a wonderful job. I never would have imagined what the pictures would look like before I saw them.
One of the main ways I got to appreciate women was dealing with men. One time I was dressed hair to heels, lipstick to lace and he never showed up. I realized women have been dealing with this for ever. Or he’s very late. Or he is dressed like a slob. Or he expects me to drop everything and meet him in an hour dressed to kill. Some of them are really great but never call or write and fade away and some you wish would fade away ALWAYS write. Now I know why women use the old excuse “sorry but I have to wash my hair tonight, maybe another time/” All part of the ‘female experience’ which I love.
Got to take the good with the bad.
The wisdom of experience, Trish. For all the time in my past that I have spent as a man, I still cannot believe the way some men behave when trying to get me to go out with them. It has taken some time and I’m not there yet, in learning how best to deal with it all. Women learn early on in life; I still need more time. And yet, you’re right, it is part of the experience.