2011Voyages in the Pink
How fast a year goes by, but here we are again in January, and it is time for the 2nd annual “In the Pink Award.”
The inaugural award was an occasion of unabashedly debatable distinction, chronicled by media outlets far and wide… ahem… beginning and ending here, on my blog.
Quip as I might, it is entirely self-deprecating, with not a smidgeon of deprecation left over for the honoree. My admiration and respect for the winner (and now winners) is utterly genuine and heartfelt.
This year’s winner is Petra Bellejambes and her blog “Voyages en Rose.” Three cheers! Hurrah!
If any blog, by title alone, deserves to be recognized as “In the Pink” it is this one. (For those non-francophones out there, the title translates as “Journeys in Pink.”)
But, nevermind the title; it is the content that shines so very brightly. She is a master-craftswoman with words, spinning out artful writing as poetic as it is profound. I am truly in awe of her skill.
Petra pretty much has it all: she’s smart, sexy, thoughtful and witty. She has a masterful way of putting her thoughts across with evocative metaphors and brilliant prose. She also has a great knowledge and love of women’s fashion, which she lovingly shares with her readers in addition to the musings about life as a t-girl.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit a bit of a potential for perceived nepotism here, as she is a fellow Canadian and a dear friend, but rest assured that one look at her fascinating and amazingly well-written body of work and you will be convinced.
Congratulations, Petra!
Linda Marie Daniels
An excellent choice! Petra’s blog is on my regular read list, along with Femulate, Call Me Meg, Gabrielle Hermosa, Jessica Who, Helen Boyd’s En|gender and, of course, the delightful CD Janie.
Petra Bellejambes
Just when one thinks ones blush reflexes are completely shot after long decades of borderline unacceptable behavior, along comes this sort of notice, and I blush again.
Thanks so much my dear Janie. I take very real delight in your high regard, and your friendship.
xxoo – Petra