2012Warm and Fuzzies
What struck me most of all about the innocent little announcement from AP, which I read this week on Yahoo’s news feed, about Janet Jackson signing on to produce “Truth”, a documentary on the lives of transgender people, were the comments from readers, among which:
- Oh great, Hollywood pushing it’s gay agenda again!
- We live in a VERY sick society in these modern times.
- [Josh] Yep. This is what it has come to. Immoral people trying to get everyone to ‘accept’ their garbage and call it ‘tolerance.’ Anyone that ‘tolerates evil and freakishly immoral stuff like this yet bashes God needs a wake up call. If you think our society is better off with everyone being transgender and gay then you have no idea what it is to have morals and I cringe at the thought of these people having kids.
- [Anthony] I cringe at intolerant people like josh c. If you don’t agree with something that’s your right. but you don’t have to attack people just because you don’t accept who they are
- I agree, Josh. Right is considered wrong, and wrong is considered right nowadays. It IS freakish.
- And Josh yes it will come, but does it have to come now, to our families?…
Jesus never said when and think this is why, he gives us the freedom to fight this form of satanism. I actually think he would want us to fight against these demonic forces trying to push aside and discredit his teachings, if not doesn’t it just defeat the purpose of it all. - We really need to go to the barn, dust off and break out the hot tar and the feathers and rail to carry them out on
And more:
- She should know. Her brother went from a poor black boy to a rich white woman. Only in America.
- Evidently the ‘pervert’ force is strong in the Jackson family.
- Notify me when God announces you can change your sex due to ability to change DNA. Chop off and add on whatever you will you’ll still never change the DNA and “become” what you aren’t.
- Anthony…I am simply assuming you do not have a problem with a program such as this…that is fine. You statement sort of left a crack in the door for moral or even immoral people to put their foot through. Just what exactly do you mean by attacking? I think the word intolerant is rather pointless when we (moral’s) don’t have a real option to escape what is trying to be crammed down our throats. Just who do you think a program like this is pointed at? And why pray tell do we have to accept something that was taboo for centuries and now suddenly those of us who were raised by moral standards now have to embrace something what we consider abnormal, perverst, degenerate or maybe even mental? How are those of us supposed to ignore something that is thrown in our everyday life now? I personally do not care about these gay agenda’s or gay people in general as long as it does not interfere in my moral way of life. And what I mean by that is my daughters liked michael Jackson and now Janet is putting on this program which they may or may not watch or been recorded and played at their friends home which will undermine what I am teaching them about God’s purpose was and is for mankind. Now an atheist viewpoints on the mockery or Church and God really puts a large knot of anger in my chest. Personally I really wish all homosexuals would simply stick to their private lives and leave things as it were. Guess this makes me a bigot or worse in your opinion. So be it. Seems we both have a bone to pick in my book. You don’t accept my opinion on the subject and you won’t accept mine. I’ve stayed out a so called personal attack…but when you shove something down someones throat, it becomes a confrontation of distaste or debate
(very few like Anthony’s BTW.)
Given the peculiarity of the Jackson family, there was bound to be “interesting” commentary, but this? Sheesh!
Cassie Play
There sure are a lot of comments about things being shoved down throats here.
Brilliant, Cassie!
Cassie Play
At least I didn’t see any “Beat It!” comments : )
Those people were relatively silent when they had more people to discriminate against. But now, as the civil rights movement and other laws and court rulings have narrowed their field of people they can legally discriminate against, they are getting very loud and agitated against anything that will take away any of the few groups they have left to legally hate.
There are the people who karl rove stoked up enough to get the lame george w bush elected — twice. There’s always that fringe of people who make the most noise and can be counted on to show up at the polls. The only way to shut them down is to get out the vote. Once that happens, there’s less of this noisy crap being distributed because they’ve been told, in no uncertain terms, “Nobody’s listening to you”.
As politics ebb and flow from liberal to conservative, these people tend to crawl out from under their rocks when there is a conservative upswing. And when the light of truth and morality shines on them, they crawl back. But right now the swing is toward the right, which prefers to cloak their operations in secrecy, blocking the light.
The solution is obvious, but we have to get our asses to the polls and not let the noisy haters get away with this shit.
Here’s a thought…
If one doesn’t want something shoved down one’s throat, one should simply close their mouth!