2012Yet Another DC Area TransWoman Shot
I am saddened and dismayed to learn of the spate of violence against trans people that has hit Washington, DC.
Deoni Jones, a 23 year old transgender woman was fatally stabbed on Thursday night at a bus stop in North-Eastern Washington just a few days ago.
Police, understandably, are hesitant to jump to the obvious conclusion that this is a hate crime, but I suspect they will in time. And this is why:
A little further research reveals that there were 3 reported shootings of transgender people in D.C. over the summer, and all in the same general neighborhood. The stories all seem similar – someone just walking up to a trans person, asking for the time or something, and then immediately pulling out a gun and taking a shot at them. (See the Washington Post article.)
And, these followed that ugly episode at a Baltimore McDonald’s – Baltimore is not that far North-East of Washington, which I reported to you here.
You don’t have to be a Mensa member to see a disturbing trend here. Every one of these attacks was perpetrated on a trans person by one or more African-Americans. Obviously, there is a need for community leaders on both sides to get together to discuss the problem, why it is happening, and what can be done about it.
Hi Janie,
It breaks my heart to hear about these senseless crimes that happen throughout our cities and countries everyday. The violence spares no one no matter what gender or ethnicity you are. The question I have us what to do about it? How can I be proactive especially as a transgender woman that does not always pass but I still go out because I have to in order to maintain a sense of peace and calm. How can I be sure that I don’t become one of the victims? I would welcome yours or others thoughts on this? I know if we wait for the politicians in Washington to figure it out we will be waiting a long time.
You can never be sure you won’t be a victim, and you cannot live in fear. You simply have to be careful where you go and when. Being sensible is our best protection.