2009You’re Fabulous but I Can’t Help Forgetting You
The last of the major evening events for our Las Vegas week was a takeover of the entire VIP section of the Piranha Club. But first, there was the matter of dinner. And what better place for a group dinner for a collection of out-there t-girls than Liberace’s?
I knew where we were going, but not exactly when!
I had arranged with one of the girls who runs this thing for her to call me with the details when they were finalized. Despite what I know to be her best efforts and intentions, she forgot. It was therefore up to me to guess what had happened to them on Friday evening, and find my own way over to the restaurant, luckily before they had finished their meals.
History Repeats
I have to relate that despite profuse apologies on her part, the following night I was left for two hours wondering where they had gone, before my phone finally rang with more apologies, literally moments before I was going to call it a night and go to bed. (Y’know, a girl could develop a complex about such things!) Truth be told, she did try to reach me earlier, but there was a snafu with the number. Anyhow, it’s impossible to be angry with her for long considering her genuine efforts, amazing concern for everyone, overwhelming amount of distractions and not least, her immense likeability.
I learned a lesson from those two nights, not to allow that sort of thing to throw me for a loop, to operate on the assumption it is not a personal slight, and to accept from people as much as they are willing and happy to give. I had a very nice time both nights, as it turned out.
Back to Friday night. I arrived at the restaurant wearing this really hot knee-length red leather pencil skirt, with 50 cents in my hand.
After quickly interacting with the service staff and placing an order, I walked over to her, sitting at her table with an “Oops! I screwed up!” look on her face. She said, guiltily “I’m so sorry, Janie!” The waiter placed a plate of food in front of her. “Y’know, I’m not gonna eat my main course until you get your food.” She’s so sweet that I’m sure she really meant it!
“Don’t be silly,” I said. “It’ll be ruined.” I paused. “By the way, I got you a present.”
She looked at me a bit confused, probably wondering whether I had lost my mind. Also, she is not inclined to accept gifts from the girls, all of whom are appreciative of her efforts. She’s a rare breed whose happiness comes from the good she does for others.
I put the 50 cents on the table and said, “Here’s your present. Y’know that coupon you insisted on giving me yesterday? This is the change from that coupon… I bought this fabulous skirt with the rest!” I twirled around. “Isn’t it great?”
“Now that’s a present I’ll accept,” she said, clearly relieved, and happy to have made me happy. “You look fabulous!”
Alone Again – But at Least a Nice Photo Op!
I left her to her dinner, and found a seat. By the time my food came and I started eating, I looked around and she had left along with most of the other girls. I didn’t need her to spoil her own dinner, but coming over afterwards to hang out with me as I ate would have been a nice gesture. But, by then she was on to something else…
It’s nothing personal. She is what she is, and what she is is pretty special. Besides, there were so many distractions and other egos to soothe. I’m happy to know her! Her generosity, outgoing nature, positive attitude, energy and larger-than-life persona are something to behold! Love-ya, G! You are great!
Being left alone in the restaurant did have its compensations. There was a large glass piano-shaped bar all Liberace-glitzy and fabulous, and no one to stop me from hopping up and taking a few snaps. Maybe not the most dignified, but hey, it’s Vegas, baby!
Now, if I can only find the rest of the group, we’ll be off to the Piranha Club!
I did try calling ya, Babe, but I had two numbers for ya, and I think I left a message on someone else’s voicemail, DOH!. That’s what 5 days of sun, fun and football sized hurricanes will do to a girl. No excuses though, I still feel bad about that slight. You are such a wonderful person! Thanx for the lovely comments and for just being you! You are a camera-ly wench extraordinaire, both in front of and behind the camera! You RAWK, Janie!!
Luv & Miss ya tons,