2010You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!
(This is the first of what I hope will be more than a few guest posts written by my GF, Emily.)
I have come a long way since I first encountered Janie some four years ago. Of course, Janie has come a long way too.
Although Janie was never hidden from me, and I learned about her at the same time as Janie did herself, I still went through many of the usual trials and tribulations most women go through on learning that her spouse is a crossdresser. Flash forward to the present and I don’t really even think of Janie as a crossdresser now, but rather I think of her as a unique person with many interesting sides, and someone I‘m lucky to share my life with. The best of all worlds in many respects. We have always been the best of friends in addition to lovers, but now I have not only a spouse, a lover, and a boyfriend, but a girlfriend too!
When we first starting going out in public I used to wear a wig, just like Janie did. I didn’t want to “out” us by having someone we know take a closer look at her after recognizing me. We were both pretty scared of being found out, especially me! With time and experience this fear has dissipated to a large extent. And, the irony is that we are now so much more recognizable! Janie no longer wears a wig (having grown out her hair in the past two years), and likewise, I have also stopped wearing a wig in public when I’m with her (unless just for fun).
Going out together now is no longer the anxiety-provoking experience it used to be, although walking in and out of our front door still causes me to hold my breath. However, despite all of this, I still don’t want us to be outed! That is why what happened the other day struck me as quite remarkable!
Janie and I went downtown to do some errands and I forgot to be scared walking out the front door with her to our car. Nor did I blink an eye later, when we got side-tracked for a couple of hours trying on shoes out in the open, and in a fairly central store at that. In fact, I only realized as we were walking back to the car to go home that I had not once had one of my usual thoughts or worries – what if we see someone we know and can’t avoid them, or worse, what if someone we know sees us and we don‘t see them! And, not once did I find my self looking around to see if anyone was staring at us.
However, I did notice a couple of men looking at Janie in the shoe store (but not staring with curious looks on their faces). Not a surprise really, as Janie was looking very hot in her jeans and a cream knit top, with one shoulder exposed as she leaned over to raise her pant leg to admire the sexy sandals she was trying on, showing off not only her beautifully pedicured red toes, but a shapely calf as well!
I’m still not ready to let our friends and family be privy to Janie, no matter how wonderful I think she is! I may have come a long way, from seeing her in that first pair of sexy pumps, to our first dinner out together as “girlfriends,” to now, but I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with the reactions (and judgments) of others just yet.
For now, Janie will have to remain my secret (I hope) new BFF!
Petra Bellejambes
Dear Emily,
What a delight to see you here. Janie’s explorations are so vivid that it is easy for the reader to think of her as a self contained, autonomous gender superhero. Of course this is not the case.
Much of her ability to explore and share with us stems from your love and support.
For that, I want to say thank you.
And you have given me a great idea. I am thinking about buying my wife a wig. Hmmm. Lovely possibilities.
Come back again soon, write often!
xxoo – Petra
Dear Petra,
Thanks so much for your kind words. They are much appreciated! I will hopefully share more of my thoughts and experiences from time to time. However, I should tell you, Janie was not happy to find out she is not, in fact, a superhero! 🙂
Brillliantly written prose right from the heart, my beautiful lady! Wow, it is such a blessing to see how the power of love can help two partners reach their potential…explore all the dimensions and creative genius of their relationship and different aspects of their identity as a couple and individuals! Yay…this makes me so pleased and blowing many kisses your way…xxoo xxoo
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your lovely comments! Blowing many kisses to you too!
xxoo, Emily
Terrific post. Every girl should be as lucky to have a lady as kind brave and understanding as you.
What a sweet thing to say. But, I am at least as lucky to have Janie as she is to have me.
Oh this is sooo beautiful and heart-warming to read. Honestly, I have wet eyes. “Best of both worlds” describes it best. May luck follow you both wherever you go.
And please forward this to all those so-called “partners, spouses, wifes, girlfriends” who give their partners a hard time for just trying to live up to what they feel so deep inside.
I’m touched by your comments. Thanks so much!